UMEM Educational Pearls


32 year-old with diabetes presents with fever, erythema, and warmth of his lower extremity; his leg is not particularly painful. He is diagnosed with cellulitis, started on antibiotics, and admitted to the hospital. While boarding in the Emergency Department he becomes rigorous and hypotensive. An ultrasound of his cellulitis is performed and is shown below. What’s the diagnosis?


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Category: Cardiology

Title: Extremely Fast & Wide Complex Regular Tachycardia

Keywords: Wide complex tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/26/2014 by Ali Farzad, MD (Updated: 3/23/2014)
Click here to contact Ali Farzad, MD


A 48 year old woman has acute chest pain and palpitations over the past several hours. She has felt similar palpitations in the past but never sought medical attention. She arrives to your ED alert and anxious. HR = 270, BP=130/100. ECG is below. What’s the diagnosis and treatment?

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1401260828_JEM.WCT.Jan14.pdf (1,636 Kb)

Category: Orthopedics

Title: Pellegrini Stieda lesion

Keywords: MCL, knee, (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/17/2014 by Brian Corwell, MD (Emailed: 1/25/2014) (Updated: 1/25/2014)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

Pelllegrini-Stieda lesion

Ossified post-traumatic lesions at the MCL adjacent to the femoral attachment site of the medial femoral condyle.

Mechanism is likely from an avulsion injury that subsequently calcifies after the initial trauma.

Often an incidental finding on plain films.

If symptomatic, refer to ortho as an outpatient

If not symptomatic, no treatment is indicated

Category: Toxicology

Title: Bioaccumulation and the "Therapeutic" Overdose

Keywords: pharmacology (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/23/2014 by Fermin Barrueto (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Fermin Barrueto

Everyone has admitted an altered mental status, patient or bradycardic patient and all of your test results are coming back normal except for a mild increase in creatinine. Take a look at the medication list. Creatinine is a poor indicator of renal function and GFR may be severely impaired even with a mild elevation of creatinine. If you have a predominantly renally excreted drug, you can see toxic effects of a drug even if administered at therapeutic levels.

Common bradycardia inducing medication that is renally cleared: atenolol (very high renal excretion) and digoxin (70%).

Altered Mental Status and on Keppra? Keppra is 100% renally cleared!

Ask your pharmacist for help with the medication list with renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Category: International EM

Title: Know your Slytherins

Keywords: International, snake, venom, (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/22/2014 by Andrea Tenner, MD
Click here to contact Andrea Tenner, MD

98% of venomous snake bites in the US are due to pit vipers.  Occasionally a snake bite is from an exotic venomous snake being kept as a pet.  In 2005, 142 exotic poisonous snakes were reported to poison control.  It can be very challenging to find antivenom for these exotic animals.

Antivenom is usually specific to a family or subfamily, so the snake must be identified.  Most exotic snake owners will know the common name and possibly the scientific name of the animal.

The WHO database of venomous snakes can help with identification of the species and will list antivenom available globally.

Poison centers are essential to help locate the antivenom and assist with treatment.

Relevance to the EM Physician:

When a patient presents with an exotic snake envenomation, the WHO website below can be helpful to identify the species and possible antivenom.


University of Maryland Section of Global Emergency Health

Author: Jenny Reifel Saltzberg

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Category: Critical Care

Title: A-lines: A Significant Source of Preventable Blood Stream Infections

Keywords: arterial line, catheter related blood stream infections (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/20/2014 by John Greenwood, MD (Emailed: 1/21/2014) (Updated: 1/21/2014)
Click here to contact John Greenwood, MD


Arterial Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infections

Whether arterial lines are a potential source of catheter-related blood stream infections (CRBSIs) is highly-debated; however, based on a recent systematic review they are an under recognized and significant source of CRBSIs.

  • IncidenceIn systematically cultured arterial catheters, the infection rate was 1.6 infections/1,000 catheter days which is similar to what has been reported for infections associated with short-term CVC's.
  • Location: Femoral a-lines are more likely than radial a-lines to be a source of a CRBSI. Femoral a-line CRBSIs occurred in 1.5% of all catheters (95% CI, 0.8–2.2%), which is higher than radial CRBSI, with a relative risk of infection 1.94 times greater than those placed at the radial site.
  • TechniqueOnly one study specifically evaluated the impact of full barrier precautions versus using sterile gloves only for peripheral a-lines, and it did not find any significant difference in BSI. No study has evaluated the impact of maximal barrier precautions for femoral, axillary, and brachial arterial catheters.
  • Dressing: The risk of infection was significantly decreased with the use of chlorhexidine-impregnated dressings (ex: BioPatch).


Bottom Line(s) 

  1. Arterial lines appear to be a significantly under recognized source of CRBSI's in critically-ill patients.  If you are deciding to place an a-line for invasive blood pressure monitoring, strongly consider the radial site and use a chlorhexidine sponge or dressing to try and minimize the risk of future BSI.
  2. There is a paucity of data regarding the utility of maximal barrier techniques when inserting peripheral arterial lines.  With arterial catheter infection rates approaching that of central venous catheters, we should probably be inserting a-lines with the same sterile technique.

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50 year-old male intubated for respiratory distress. Ultrasound is used post-intubation to confirm tube placement and the following images are obtained. What's the diagnosis?

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Pacing Atrioventricular Block

 - Atrioventricular (AV) block is classically treated with restoration of heart rate via right ventricular pacing, however high rates of right ventricular pacing is associated w/ left  ventricular systolic dysfunction  

- A recent multi-center randomized control trial (RCT) assessed the efficacy of right vs biventricular pacing in heart failure w/ AV block [BLOCK HF Trial]

- Primary outcomes of: morbidity, mortality, and adverse left ventricular remodeling were shown to be significantly lower in biventricular vs right ventricular pacing 

- In patients with a high rate of pacing and/or an  abnormally low left ventricular ejection fraction biventricular pacing may be more advantageous than conventional right ventricular pacing


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Category: Misc

Title: Cause of Post-Operative Fever

Keywords: Postoperative, fever, cause (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/18/2014 by Michael Bond, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD

Post Operative Fever is extremely common, and with the increase in same day surgery this is a common complaint presenting to the ED.  The mnemonic "5Ws" are often taught to remember the causes. They are:

  • Wind - Pneumonia, aspiration, pulmonary embolism, and atelectasis
  • Water - urinary tract infection
  • Walking - Deep Venous Thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
  • Wound - surgical wound infection
  • Wonder drugs - Drug fever, or infection due to indwelling lines, or a reaction to blood products

Though many surgical textbooks report that atelectasis is the most common cause of early post-operative fever,  some even claiming that it is responsible for over 90% of febrile episodes in the first 48 hours after surgery; a recent review in CHEST (reference below) showed that there is no evidence to support this. We often see atelectasis in medical patients too, and few if any of them have fever.  The CHEST review found that there was no clear evidence that atelectasis causes fever at all.

Pearl:  Temperature >38.9C should raise concern for a true infection, where lower temperatures can be due to pulmonary embolism, DVT, drug fever, etc….

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Category: Pediatrics

Title: Maintenance Sodium in the Pediatric Patient

Keywords: hyponatremia, maintenance fluid (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/17/2014 by Jenny Guyther, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Jenny Guyther, MD

What sodium base should be given to children who are unable to eat?  Recent studies have suggested that the traditional teaching of 0.45% normal saline (NS), 0.33% NS or 0.2% NS may cause iatrogenic hyponatremia when compared to an isotonic solution (0.9% NS, Ringers lactate or Hartmann's solution).  
A meta-analysis of 8 studies with 855 patients examined the rate of hyponatremia when using hypotonic versus isotonic solutions.
-Studies included were randomized controlled trials with children age 1 month to 17 years.
-Children needing any type of resuscitation were excluded.
-Hyponatremia was defined as a sodium < 136 mmol/L.
-There is a higher risk when using hypotonic fluids for developing hyponatremia (RR 2.24) and severe hyponatremia (RR 5.29).
-The decrease in sodium was greater when hypotonic solutions were used.
-No significant difference in the rate of hypernatremia (Na>150 mmol/L)
-The type of fluid given (not rate) correlated with the risk of hyponatremia.
-Conclusions could not be drawn on the clinical significance of the iatrogenic hyponatremia
Bottom line: Make a conscience decision about maintenance fluids.  Be sure to monitor Na levels for patients that you place on maintenance fluids and who are in your ED for prolonged periods of time.

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Category: International EM

Title: Making sense of the H s and N s this flu season

Keywords: influenza, China, Asia, Avian, Swine, Global (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/12/2014 by Andrea Tenner, MD (Emailed: 1/15/2014) (Updated: 1/15/2014)
Click here to contact Andrea Tenner, MD

General Information:

The H’s and N’s refer to hemagglutinin and neuraminidase—two proteins on the surface of the Influenza A virus that help it attach.  Here’s a quick breakdown of important emerging strains of influenza:

Avian flu:

  • H5N1 (aka. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A): Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 60%, no sustained person to person transmission, primarily in Asia and Middle East--first death in the Americas occurred in Canada last week (returned traveller from China)
  • H7N9: new strain of avian influenza identified this year, 135 cases so far, CFR 33%, no sustained person to person transmission, found in China

Swine flu:

  • H1N1: pandemic flu of 2009 making a comeback. causes more severe disease in young and middle-aged adults, predominant this season in the US (of subtyped virus tests ~98% were H1N1)

Relevance to the EM Physician:

As the frontline against the flu virus, we should know what to expect. H1N1 has predominated this flu season—so far 60% of hospitalizations occurred in patients aged 18-64, which is unusual. H7N9 is new on the scene but might be imported, and H5N1 has arrived.

Bottom Line:

Expect to see more severe illness in the 18-64 y/o age group due to H1N1.  Watch for more deadly flu imports--obtain a travel history and notify the CDC of severe influenza-like illness in returned travellers.

University of Maryland Section of Global Emergency Health

Author: Andi Tenner, MD, MPH, FACEP

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Determination of Brain Death

  • With the recent media spotlight on brain death (irreversible end of brain activity) due to a few recent cases, it would be helpful to review the definition.
  • Rule out alternative causes including hypothermia, drug-induced coma, metabolic abnormalities, or severe electrolyte disturbances.
  • A clear irreversible cause must be known based on history and diagnostic studies.

Clinical Examination

  • Patient should be unresponsive to verbal or noxious stimulation, with the exception of spinally mediated responses.
  • Absence of brainstem Reflexes
  1.             No pupillary response
  2.             Absent corneal reflex
  3.             Absent gag and cough reflex
  4.             Absent cervico-ocular reflex (Doll’s Eyes Maneuver)
  5.             Absent vestibulo-ocular reflex (Cold Calorics)
  • Apnea Testing  (disconnecting the ventilator and evaluating respiratory drive)

If apnea testing cannot be performed due to instability, hypoxia, or cardiac arrhythmias, then a confirmatory test should be performed (from highest to lowest sensitivity):

  •  Angiography (lack of intracranial flow)
  •   EEG
  •   Transcranial Doppler
  •   Technetium-99 brain scan
  •   Somatosensory evoked potentials

There is state to state variation on who can perform the test and how many separate examinations need to be performed before brain death can be legally declared.

For a great review on some of the pitfalls in making the diagnosis and difficulties with the examination, please see the attached article. 


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1401141409_pitfalls_in_brain_death,_wijdicks.pdf (93 Kb)


42 year-old male s/p assault complains of right sided facial pain, swelling, and decreased vision. Physical exam reveals subconjunctival hemorrhage, proptosis, afferent pupillary defect, and a firm globe. What's the diagnosis and what's the emergent treatment?

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Category: Cardiology

Title: Origin of premature ventricular beats

Keywords: PVC, Premature ventricular beats, Premature ventricular complexes (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/12/2014 by Ali Farzad, MD (Updated: 3/10/2014)
Click here to contact Ali Farzad, MD

Differentiation between right and left ventricular origin of premature beats can be useful clinically.

The origin of ectopic ventricular beats are recognized best in lead V1 (oriented to differentiate right vs. left sided cardiac activity).
  • PVCs arising from the right ventricle have a left bundle branch block morphology (dominant S wave in V1)

  • PVCs arising from the left ventricle have a right bundle branch block morphology (dominant R wave in V1)

Left Ventricular premature beats are more often associated with heart disease and may precipitate ventricular fibrillation, whereas right ventricular premature beats are commonly seen in individuals with normal hearts. 


Want more emergency cardiology pearls? Follow me @alifarzadmd

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Category: Orthopedics

Title: Osteoarthritis Part 2

Keywords: Osteoarthritis, treatment (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/11/2014 by Brian Corwell, MD
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

Topical agents: The most widely used preparations contain capsaicin, lidocaine and NSAIDs
These preparations have been shown to be efficacious in controlled double-blind studies of OA of the hand and knee (minimal overlying soft tissue).
Note: Some of the topical NSAIDs are as efficacious as oral NSAIDs (lower incidence GI side effects).
*Consider in older patient with OA of hand or knee*
Oral agents: Acetaminophen is still considered first line treatment for mild to moderate pain. It has a small but significant effect for pain but this did not carry over for stiffness or functional improvement.
NSAIDs: More efficacious than acetaminophen for pain. Consider first line for moderate to severe pain.
While all attempts should be made at avoiding NSAIDs in patients at risk of upper GI bleeding, the safest approach may be to use Celecoxib with a proton pump inhibitor.

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Category: Toxicology

Title: Antivenin Only for North American Crotalinae Snake Envenomation

Keywords: copperhead, snake, envenomation, antivenin, crotalinae, fasciotomy (PubMed Search)

Posted: 1/7/2014 by Bryan Hayes, PharmD (Emailed: 1/9/2014) (Updated: 1/9/2014)
Click here to contact Bryan Hayes, PharmD

Current evidence does not support the use of fasciotomy or dermotomy following North American Crotalinae envenomation with elevated intracompartmental pressures. [1]

A new case report of a 17-month old bitten by a copperhead snake reinforces that early and adequate administration of crotaline Fab antivenin is the treatment of choice. [2]

Many experts recommend against measuring compartement pressures altogether; we know it will be elevated.

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Background Information:

Infections by Staphylococcus aureus cause significant morbidity and mortality around the world, but up until now no effective vaccines have been developed.  Some prior attempts at vaccination actually led to higher mortality in the vaccinated group. However, a group at University of Iowa developed a vaccine targeting S. aureus virulence factors that has shown promise in animal models.

Pertinent Study Design and Conclusions:

  • Rabbits (often used as an analog for human S. aureus disease) were inoculated with the vaccine.
  • Each rabbit then had a high dose of various strains of MSSA or MRSA introduced via the respiratory tract and were monitored for pneumonia.
  • 86/88 vaccinated rabbits survived while only 1/88 non-vaccinated rabbits survived.

Bottom Line:

While not available for human use yet, this is the first promising vaccine against S. aureus infections (including MRSA).  Stay tuned…

University of Maryland Section of Global Emergency Health

Author: Andi Tenner, MD, MPH, FACEP

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"Frozen in January, Amputate in June"  - By Kinjal Sethuraman and Doug Sward
Frostbite can lead to major tissue damage even if initial presentation does not look so severe. Treatment is NOT the same as for burns. 

Treatment of Major Frostbite:
1.  Rapid rewarming ASAP of affected area in 40 Celsius degree water until area is thawed (pink and pliable) Logistics are difficult because you have to maintain a constant water temperature- but only if you can maintain same degree of warmth.  Rewarming and refreezing will lead to inevitable tissue death.
2. Wound care, Aloe Vera, ASA 
3.  DELAY surgery except in cases of sepsis or compartment syndrome.
  • If less than 24 hours since injury, consider diagnostic angiography and  intra-arterial TPA, and heparin infusion, Prostacyclin infusion.
  • Angiography and Bone Scan can be used to prognosticate clinical course.
  • Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for moderate to severe frostbite- multiple case reports of significant improvement with HBOT even if delayed by several days. 
Treatment of  Minor Frostbite:
1. Rewarm area
2. Ibuprofen
3. Aloe Vera and dressing changes
Reference attached from Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Frostbite

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Category: Critical Care

Title: LVAD Pearls

Posted: 1/7/2014 by Mike Winters, MBA, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Mike Winters, MBA, MD

Pearls for the Crashing LVAD Patient

  • Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) are placed as a bridge to transplant, bridge to recovery, or as destination therapy.
  • As thousands of LVADs have been implanted, it is likely that a sick LVAD patient will show up in your ED or ICU.
  • In addition to pump thrombosis (UMEM pearl 12/31/13), two complications to also consider in the crashing LVAD patient include infection and arrhythmias.
  • Infection:
    • The driveline and pump pocket are the most common locations for device infection.
    • Most are caused by Staphylococcus and Enterococcus organisms.
    • For pump pocket and deeper wound infections be sure to also add coverage against Pseudomonas species. 
  • Arryhthmias:
    • The highest incidence is within the first month after implantation.
    • Consider a "suction event," where the inflow cannula contacts the ventricular septum.
    • Suction events can be caused by hypovolemia, small ventricular size, or RV failure and are treated with fluid resuscitation and decreasing the LVAD speed.

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37 year-old male presents after sustaining a burn from a pot of boiling water. He states that his skin started to blister a few hours after and it’s quite painful. What type of burn does he likely have? 

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