UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Cardiology

Title: lupus and premature atherogenesis

Keywords: lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus, atherosclerotic, coronary artery disease (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/20/2009 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

Systemic lupus erythematosus produces a significant predisposition towards premature atherosclerosis. Although the exact mechanism for what causes this is uncertain, premature CAD is at least partially (or largely) caused by systemic inflammation, which can produce endothelial damage and initiates the process of atherogenesis.

The literature indicates that there is a 9X increased risk of CAD in patients with lupus, and the risk increases to 50X higher in women 35-44 years of age! In general, patients with lupus develop their first MI 20 years earlier than age-matched non-lupus counterparts. 

[Mattu A, Petrini J, Swencki S, et al. Premature atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Emerg Med 2005;23:696-703.]

Category: Med-Legal

Title: Leave no trace - The Dangers of online diaries

Keywords: legal, malpractice, discovery, privacy, online (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/12/2009 by Dan Lemkin, MD, MS (Emailed: 9/19/2009) (Updated: 9/19/2009)
Click here to contact Dan Lemkin, MD, MS

Beware of your online contributions, they can come back to hurt you in legal settings. You must remember that there is a digital trail of everything you post online. Discovery rules vary state to state. It is best to practice save surfing. What you may perceive as paranoia is really just good practice.

The following guidelines apply to:

  • Email
  • Online chats: google chat, IRC, AOL AIM, MSN
  • Social networks: Facebook, Mypage, Medical networking pages, etc
  • Any online medium, forum, discussion site

General guidelines

  • Do not reference any patient cases with dates (regardless of hipaa identifiers)
  • Do not provide any medical advice for specific cases online
    • Add a disclaimer for general advice (see the disclaimers for these pearls as example)
  • Do not discuss any potential or ongoing legal cases with peers PERIOD, especially electronic methods with a record.
  • Do not document ethically questionable behavior online
    • ie: "that time in vegas when you got sooooo drunk"

Assume that whenever you hit send, your message will be available to a plaintiff attorney who will twist it to suit his/her needs. The only potential exception is direct email communication to your personal legal counsel. Please verify that local laws protect this form of communication before making an assumption of privacy.

[This pearl is a review of published general recommendations on privacy practices and should not be interpreted as, or replace competent legal advice.]

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Category: Pediatrics

Title: Pediatric Brain Abscess

Keywords: Brain Abscess, Pediatrics (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/19/2009 by Reginald Brown, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Reginald Brown, MD


Pediatric Brain Abscess
  • Although rare, it is a serious life threatening entity of pediatric emergency medicine
  • Must be in the differential of those with signs of increased intracranial pressure or focal deficit and hx of sinusitis, mastoiditis or cyanotic congenital heart disease.
  • Investigation and diagnosis primarily with CT scan
  • CSF studies demonstrate sterile fluid with elevated protein, and mildly elevated WBC
  • Antibiotic coverage should be broad Naficillin/Vanc + Ceftriaxone + Metronidazole, until speciation and susceptibilities obtained from surgical specimen
  • Steroids reserved only in cases of imminent herniation
  • Controversy exists over prophylactic anticonvulsants
  • Mortality recently <10% attributed to early diagnosis and appropriate antibiotic coverage.

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Category: Pediatrics

Title: Sickle Cell Trait and Sudden Death

Keywords: Sickle Cell Trait, Sudden Death, Pediatrics, Military, Sports Medicine, Law Enforcement, Medical Legal (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/18/2009 by Adam Friedlander, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Adam Friedlander, MD

You've probably long been taught that Sickle Cell Trait is an irrelevant piece of the PMH, unless you are a genetic counselor.  Well, thanks to Dr. Rolnick and a literature search, I (and now you) know that that is incorrect.

Though Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) does not cause exactly the same pathologies as Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), there are believed to be a variety of RBC abnormalities associated with HgbS (such as measurably lower RBC deformability, and low levels of sickling under extreme heat and exercise conditions) which contribute to increased exercise-related sudden death.  In one NEJM study of all deaths among 2 million (MILLION) military recruits over a 4 year period, the relative risk of otherwise unexplained sudden death for black recruits with HgbAS vs. black recruits without HgbS was 27.6 (p<0.001), and 39.8 (p<0.001) for all recruits (HgbAS vs. no HgbS).

I must say that this topic is not controversy-free, however, I should also note that my search for "Sickle Cell Trait and Sudden Death" turned up quite a few articles directed at plaintiff's attorneys. 

The take-home point is that SCT is likely not a benign condition, and you must be cautious in telling patients that it is.  Again, this phenomenon is best described in patients undergoing extreme physical exertion, but hopefully this will change how you think about SCT.

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Category: Neurology

Title: Acute Bacterial Meningitis

Keywords: meningitis, bacterial meningitis, headache, Kernig sign, Brudzinski sign (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/16/2009 by Aisha Liferidge, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Aisha Liferidge, MD

  • The classic triad of fever, meningismus (stiff neck), and altered mental status only occurs in 44% of cases of acute bacterial meningitis (ABM).


  • Headache is a much more common presenting complaint with ABM.


  • The sensitivity and specificity of Kernig and Brudzinski signs are suboptimal, making their presence or absence of little diagnostic value.

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Category: Infectious Disease

Title: Daptomycin and MRSA

Posted: 9/15/2009 by Mike Winters, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Mike Winters, MD


Daptomycin and MRSA

  • Several new antibiotics are approved for the treatment of infections due to MRSA: linezolid, daptomycin, and tigecycline.
  • Although most are familiar with linezolid, it seems that both daptomycin and tigecycline are being used more frequently.
  • A few pearls on daptomycin:
    • administered IV once daily
    • dose needs to be adjusted in patients with renal failure
    • exerts its effect through a calcium-dependent binding to the bacterial membrane resulting in cell death
  • Importantly, daptomycin is inactivated by pulmonary surfactant and therefore should not be given in patients with suspected MRSA pneumonia.

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Category: Geriatrics

Title: pulmonary changes with aging

Keywords: geriatrics, elderly, pulmonary, pneumothorax (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/13/2009 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

Elderly patients are at higher risk of barotrauma with positive pressure ventilation (e.g. CPAP, BiPAP, and especially after intubation) because of decreased vital capacity and lung compliance. Watch those plateau pressures closely!

If an elderly patient develops hypotension within minutes of endotracheal intubation, always consider tension PTX (and don't forget about hypovolemia, as we've discussed before).

Category: Toxicology

Title: Alcohol content of hand sanitizer

Keywords: hand sanitizer, ethanol, alcohol (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/10/2009 by Bryan Hayes, PharmD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Bryan Hayes, PharmD

     Most hand sanitizers contain ethanol, while some contain isopropyl alcohol. The concentration of alcohol in these products varies from 45% to 95%, with the most commonly used products containing 62%.  How much would a 15 kg child have to ingest to obtain a blood alcohol concentration of 100 mg/dL (or 0.1%)?

     Assuming a volume of distribution of 0.6 L/kg and 100% bioavailability, only 15-20 mL is required to produce this toxic level.  That is equivalent to 3-4 teaspoons or approximately 8-10 “squirts” of hand sanitizer!

Category: Neurology

Title: Symptoms of Phenytoin Toxicity and Associated Levels

Keywords: phenytoin, dilantin, dilantin toxicity, ataxia, nystagmus (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/9/2009 by Aisha Liferidge, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Aisha Liferidge, MD

The following symptoms of phenytoin toxicity typically present initially, once plasma concentrations reach the listed levels below:

  • Nystagmus (on lateral gaze, at 20 mcg/mL)
  • Ataxia (at 30 mcg/mL)
  • Dysarthria and lethargy (at over 40 mcg/mL)

Other associated symptoms include tremor, hyper-reflexia, nausea, and vomiting.

Complications of Resuscitation

  • CPR, defibrillation, endotracheal intubation, and cannulation of peripheral and central veins are common procedures during resuscitation of cardiac arrest patients
  • Although not obvious immediately, complications from these procedures can develop and manifest several hours after successful return of spontaneous circulation
  • Not surprisingly, the most common complications are rib and sternal fractures
  • Additional complications to recall include:
    • tracheal mucosal lesions (almost 20%)
    • retropharyngeal bleeding
    • liver/spleen injuries
    • rhabdomyolysis (post-defibrillation)
    • air embolism (central venous access)
    • gastric rupture (very rare; due to continuous air insufflation into the stomach)

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Category: Misc

Title: Radiation Risk

Posted: 9/7/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD

This week's monday pearl is from our very own Azher Merchant....who recently gave an excellent talk on the risks of radiation.

Be very afraid....

Radiation Risk:
Risk is based on acute exposure and is extrapolated largely from atomic bomb survivors.
Effective radiation dose = Sievert (Sv)

Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer 1:1000 at 10mSv
Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer Mortality 1:2000 at 10mSv
Risk estimates follow a linear rate of change such that:
Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer in Adults = Radiation Dose (mSv) x 0.0001
Risk is Cumulative

Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer is greater than for adults and is age-dependent
Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer Mortality 1:1000 at 10mSv

Common Effective Dose Estimates (mSv)

Background radiation                     3.5/year (chronic exposure)
CXR                                             0.1
    Head, Face                               2
    Neck, Cervical Spine                 2
    Chest, Thoracic Spine                8
    Abdomen                                7.5
    Pelvis                                     7.5
    Abdomen/Pelvis, Lumbar Spine 15
    Extremity                               0.5

Note that it doesn't take very much radiation to reach the 10 mSv level!

Bottom line: CT if you need to, but carefully consider whether it is worth it or not

One last pearl, carefully consider whether or not you want that d-dimer and don't order one unless you are prepared to order a CT scan.

Category: Geriatrics

Title: delirium in the elderly

Keywords: UTI, infection, delirium (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/7/2009 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

The most common cause of delirium in the elderly is infection, and the most common type of infection is just a simple UTI. The second most common cause of delirium is medication effects. ALWAYS look carefully for signs of infection and look carefully at medication lists whenever evaluating an elderly patient with a change in mental status.

Category: Endocrine

Title: Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism and Hypercalcemia

Keywords: Hypercalcemia, Hyperparathyroidism (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/5/2009 by Michael Bond, MD
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD

Medical Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism

  • Hyperthyroidism will typically only need to be treated in the Emergency Department when they present with Hypercalcemia. 
  • Outpatient management of hyperthyroidism consists of serial PTH measurements, Calcium, and Creatinine.
  • Hypercalcemia should be treated with normal saline hydration. 
    • Once the patient is determined to be euvolemic you can enhance diuresis and excretion of calcium by giving the patient furosemide. 
    • Remember hydrochlorathiazide can actually increase serum calcium by preventing its excretion.
    • This patients should receive 4-10 liters of normal saline in the first day.
    • You can also give bisphosphonates and calcitonin. 
    • For high calcium levels with mental status changes consider hemodialysis.

Category: Pediatrics

Title: Infantile Spasms

Keywords: infant, neonate, spasm (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/4/2009 by Heidi-Marie Kellock, MD
Click here to contact Heidi-Marie Kellock, MD

Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome):

  • Are brief contractions of the neck, trunk, arm, and leg muscles that last 2-10 seconds
  • Are NOT seizures, but 86% of children with infantile spasms go on to develop a seizure disorder before 1 year of age
  • Usually occur as the child is going to sleep or waking up
  • Most commonly seen between 3 and 8 months of age
  • Often mistakenly diagnosed as colic
  • Poor prognosis as infantile spasms usually indicate an underlying genetic, metabolic, or developmental abnormality

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Iron Toxicity Treatment
Out In
Checking TIBC to determine if treatment is necessary Checking iron levels...If peak is > 500 mcg/dl, or the patient shows signs of systemic toxicity, treat with deferoxamine
Deferoxamine challenge... no longer recommended! Using WBI for ingestion of 20 mg/kg iron, if visible iron pills on x-ray, or symptoms of mild toxicity (for treatment of severe toxicity see above)
Platform shoes Strappy sandals

WBI: whole bowel irrigation

Reminder from Poisondex:

OVERDOSE: SEVERE: Stupor, shock, acidosis, GI bleed, coagulopathy, hepatotoxicity, and coma. MILD/MODERATE: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, leukocytosis, and hyperglycemia. Clinical phases: (1) 0-2 hours: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Lethargy, shock, GI bleeding, and acidosis if severe; (2) Apparent recovery; (3) 2-12 hours: Acidosis, hypotension; (4) 2-4 days: Hepatotoxicity; (5) days-weeks: GI strictures.

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Category: Neurology

Title: Phenytoin and Phenobarbital Toxicity

Keywords: phenytoin, phenbarbital, dilantin (PubMed Search)

Posted: 9/2/2009 by Aisha Liferidge, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Aisha Liferidge, MD


  • The therapeutic ranges for phenytoin (dilantin) and phenobarbital in adults are 10 to 20 mcg/mL and 10 to 30 mcg/mL, respectively.
  • Phenytoin plasma levels rise more rapidly than phenobarbital levels; therefore, an acute overdose of the two together will likely manifest as phenytoin toxicity before phenobarbital toxicity.
  • Phenytoin has a more narrow margin between therapeutic and toxic levels than does phenobarbital.

The Supraclavicular Subclavian Central Venous Cathetherization

  • Central venous catheters (CVCs) are routinely placed in critically ill ED patients.
  • The literature has clearly demonstrated that CVCs placed in the subclavian vein have lower risks of infection and thrombosis when compared to the femoral and internal jugular vein routes.
  • Although we routinely teach the infraclavicular approach, don't forget the subclavian vein can also be cannulated via the supraclavicular approach.
  • Some pearls on the supraclavicular approach:
    • Identify the clavisternomastoid angle: formed by the lateral head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) and the clavicle
    • Insert the needle 1 cm lateral to the lateral head of the SCM and 1 cm posterior to the clavicle
    • Direct the needle at a 45-degree angle aimed at the contralateral nipple
    • The right side is preferred due to a more direct route to the SVC and a lower pleural dome (decreasing the incidence of pneumothorax)
    • Place the patient in Trendelenburg position and aim the bevel of the needle downward

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Category: Vascular

Title: Painless thoracic aortic dissection (TAD) and Syncope

Keywords: aortic dissection, syncope (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/31/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD

Painless thoracic aortic dissection (TAD) and syncope

Patients with TAD do not always present with chest pain. In the International Registry of Aortic Dissection (IRAD) study, 2.2% of TAD cases were painless and approximately 13% of TAD cases presented with isolated syncope (i.e. NO PAIN). Other studies have shown that as many as 15% of TAD cases are painless.

Patients with TAD may present after a syncopal episode. The underlying pathophysiology of syncope is related to proximal rupture into the pericardium with resultant tamponade.

Add TAD to your differential diagnosis of unexplained syncope, especially in older folks and especially if a patient "looks bad" and you don't have a reason.

Category: Geriatrics

Title: magnesium and resuscitation in the elderly

Keywords: resuscitaiton, elderly, geriatric, magnesium, ventricular, dysrhythmia (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/31/2009 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 4/23/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

When caring for elderly patients that are having dysrhythmias, especially ventricular dysrhythmias, or in cardiac arrest, give strong consideration to empiric use of magnesium. Elderly patients are more likely to be hypomagnesemic because of diuretic use, poor GI absorption, poor daily intake, and diabetes.

[Narang AT, Sikka R. Resuscitation of the elderly. Emerg Med Clin N Am 2006;24:261-272.]

Category: Endocrine

Title: Hyperparathyroidism

Keywords: hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/29/2009 by Michael Bond, MD (Updated: 9/5/2009)
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD

Hyperparathyroidism results in elevated PTH and typically results in elevated calcium levels (hypercalcemia). 

  • Primary hyperthryoidism is due to hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, while secondary hyperthyroidism is a reaction of the parathyroid glands to hypocalcemia caused by another etiology, most commonly chronic renal failure. 
  • Tertiary hyperthyroidism is due to hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands due to loss of response to serum calcium levels and this too is seen in chronic renal failure

Though most cases are asymptomatic, symptomatic patients can present with:

  • weakness and fatigue
  • depression
  • aches and pains
  • decreased appetitie
  • constipation
  • polyuria and polydipsia
  • kidney stones
  • osteoporosis.

Treatment options to be discussed next week....Stay tuned.