UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Cardiology

Title: 2010 AHA updates: airway

Keywords: airway, ACLS, AHA (PubMed Search)

Posted: 11/7/2010 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 11/14/2010)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

The new 2010 AHA guidelines have provided greater focus on airway issues in patients suffering from cardiac arrest. Amongst the important areas of new emphasis are: (1) Cricoid pressure is no longer routinely recommended during intubation, and in fact it has been given a Class III rating ("harmful"); and (2) there is now a very strong push to use quantitative end-tidal CO2 monitoring (rather than just qualitative confirmation) of the airway after endotracheal intubation.
