Department Blog

Posted 2/21/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Interview with John Greenwood

John Greenwood, MD, and his book, PressorDex, are featured in the December/January issue of EM Resident, published by the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association. While John was a resident in our program, he chaired EMRA's Critical Care Division, where the idea for the book was launched. He is now a critical care medicine fellow, and his printed book and its iOS app are considered two of EMRA's leading educational resources.

Posted 2/20/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Poisoning Article in Clinics Series

Fermin Barrueto, Jr, MD, is the lead of author of an article published in the October issue of Pediatric Clinics of North America. The topic of this article, co-authored with a pediatrician at the University of Maryland and a clinical pharmacologist from George Washington University, is poisoning, emphasizing its prevention but also discussing cutting-edge treatments and new research that is guiding the therapeutic approach.

Posted 2/17/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Rob Rogers, Keynote Speaker at Risk Management Summit

Rob Rogers, MD, was a keynote speaker at the 7th Annual Risk Management Summit, hosted by the Emergency Medical Associate in Los Angeles on February 4. He presented lectures on aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, severe hypertension, errors in emergency medicine, and vascular catastrophes.

Amal Mattu, MD, presented seven lectures during the Fifth Annual Symposium on Risk Management in Acute Care, which was held in Orlando in early February. The topics of his lectures were "Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of the Acute Myocardial Infarction," "Pearls and Pitfalls with Pulmonary Embolism,” “Dangerous Patient Populations: Elderly, Pregnancy, and Pediatrics,” “The Crashing Patient,” “Wide Complex Tachycardias: Myths and Pitfalls,” “Costly ECG Miscues,” and “Miscellaneous Clinical Disasters to Avoid.”

Posted 2/2/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Case Report on Amlodipine Overdose

Bryan Hayes, PharmD, is a co-author of a case report published in the November issue of Hospital Pharmacy. The aticle, titled "Intravenous Lipid Emulson in the Management of Amlodipine Overdose," represents a collaboration among pharmacy, medicine, and emergency medicine specialists at the University of Maryland and the University at Buffalo.

Posted 1/30/2014 by Linda Kesselring

National Emergency Care Report Card Published

Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, PhD, is the lead author of "America's Emergency Care Environment: A State-by-State Report Card," published in the February issue of Annals of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Hirshon chairs ACEP's Report Card Task Force, which rated five aspects of the nation's emergency care environment: access to care, quality and patient safety, medical liability, public health and injury prevention, and disaster preparedness. This year's report card gives the environment in which the emergency care system operates an overall grade of D+.

Posted 1/27/2014 by Linda Kesselring

BCFD Community CPR Initiative (Ben Lawner on YouTube)

Ben Lawner, DO, is featured in a video produced by the Baltimore City Fire Department, which explains the life-saving capability of bystander CPR. The video is based on an incident involving a 12-year-old boy who experienced sudden cardiac arrest. The scenario is described by the paramedics who responded to the scene, and Dr. Lawner provides the medical perspective. The purpose of the video is public education as well as promotion of the CPR classes sponsored by the BCFD. You can watch it here:

Posted 1/21/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Faculty Appointments, Stellenbosch University

Rob Rogers and Emilie Calvello have been appointed Extraordinary Associate Professor and Extraordinary Senior Lecturer, respectively, in the Division of Emergency Medicine at Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa. These appointments recognize the contributions that Dr. Rogers and Dr. Calvello have made, and will continue to make, toward the education of emergency physicians in South Africa and the development of the specialty in that country.

Posted 1/17/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Dr. Mattu Lectures at Risk Management Conference

Dr. Amal Mattu presented three lectures at the 14th Annual Multispecialty Conference on Medical Negligence and Risk Management, held in Los Cabos, Mexico, in early January. The topics of his talks were “Dysrhythmias in the Emergency Department: Myths and Pitfalls,” “Emergency Department Care of Avoidable Disasters,” and “Cooling the Fire! Modern Management of Cardiac Arrest.”

Posted 1/9/2014 by Linda Kesselring

Dr. Weiss Receives AAEM Award

Congratulations to Dr. Larry Weiss, recipient of the 2014 David Wagner Award from the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. The award, the most prestigious among AAEM's honors, recognizes national leadership in emergency medicine. Dr. Weiss served as president of AAEM from 2008 to 2010.