Josh Moskovitz, MD, MPH, Bryan Hayes, PharmD, Joe Martinez, MD, and Amal Mattu, MD, published “Electrocardiographic Implications of the Prolonged QT Interval” in the May issue of the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Our department is well represented, with two articles, in the April issue of Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine: “New Oral Anticoagulants,” by Ellen Lemkin, MD, PharmD, Bryan Hayes, PharmD, and Floyd Howell, MD, with co-author Kristin Watson, PharmD, from the School of Pharmacy, and “Systemic Infections in Elderly Patients,” by Danya Khoujah, MBBS, and Cindy Shen, DO.
The Journal Club’s discussion of subarachnoid hemorrhage culminated with the publication of an article in the May issue of The Journal of Emergency Medicine. The authors—Ali Farzad, MD, Bethany Radin, DO, Jason Oh, MD, Heidi Teague, MD, Brian Euerle, MD, RDMS, JV Nable, MD, Andrew Windsor, MD, and Michael Witting, MD, MS—all contributed to a debate about diagnostic strategies for SAH and compiled their perspectives in a manuscript titled “Emergency Diagnosis of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An Evidence-Based Debate.”
Visit the conference website at for more details and to register.
In his role as the medical director for the Baltimore City Fire Department, Wade Gaasch, MD, is serving as a co-principal investigator for a study supported by the NIH Clinical Trial Planning Grant Program (R34), titled "Enhanced Brief Intervention for Linking Opiate-Using EMS Patients to Treatment." The grant was awarded to the Department of Health, Behavior and Society in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Heath, with the fire department as a subrecipient.
Amal Mattu, MD, was honored with the prestigious Peter Rosen Award during the 2013 Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine, held in Las Vegas in February. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the Academy in the area of academic leadership. Amal has served on several AAEM committees, has edited and contributed to many of the organization’s publications, and has been an invited speaker at every national AAEM conference since 2001. This is the fifth award that AAEM has bestowed on Amal to recognize his contributions and leadership.
The Elizabeth L. "Betty" Tso, MD, Endowed Professorship Fund is accepting contributions toward its sustaining principle. This fund, named in honor of one of the founding members of our department, and one of our most beloved faculty members, will support a faculty position dedicated to advancing our educational programs. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please contact Sheila Young in the Development Office at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. You can reach Sheila at or 410-706-0106.
Bryan Hayes, Mike Winters, Brian Browne, and Jon Mark Hirshon published an article titled “To-Go Medications for Decreasing ED Return Visits” in the November 2012 issue of The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Their co-authors on this paper were Leila Zaharna and Agnes Ann Feemster from Clinical Pharmacy and Investigational Drug Services, UMMC.
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