UMEM Educational Pearls

Well, here is a cool little app that has recently been released. It's an app that can predict what a child's height will be as a mature adult. This is not a joke.

A free mobile application developed by the International Center for Limb Lengthening (ICLL) at the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics (RIAO) of Sinai Hospital (right in our very own Baltimore) can predict the future mature height and bone lengths of children with the input of basic information.

That's right people. The formula has amazing accuracy and has been studied in many different centers. It's supposedly 97%+ accurate in predicting height.

The Multiplier App, available for Android, iPhone and iPad devices, is based upon the Multiplier Method, a series of formulas used to calculate and predict height and bone length in children. These formulas were developed by a team that included members of the ICLL.

Here is what it looks like. Just click on "Height" (see enclosed jpg image of the app) and then type in the child's birthday and current height in either inches or cm. The formula will then calculate what there predicted height will be.

Very, very cool ( at least I think)

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Category: Cardiology

Title: The Athlete's Heart Part II

Keywords: athlete, ventricular hypertrophy (PubMed Search)

Posted: 4/8/2012 by Amal Mattu, MD
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

(Pearl provided by Dr. Semhar Tewelde)

Physiological LV hypertrophy in trained athletes is defined by an isolated increase in QRS amplitude, normal axis, normal atrial and ventricular activations patterns, and normal ST-segment T-wave replorization; athletes of African/Caribbean descent have prominent cardiovascular remodeling leading to pronounced voltage criteria for LV hypertrophy and BER

Despite the presence of voltage criteria for LVH, pure QRS voltage criteria for LVH in an asymptomatic athlete without family hx of cardiovascular diseases or SCD, and lack of non-voltage ECG criteria does not warrant systematic evaluation with echocardiography.

In other words, young patients, especially men, especially those of African/Caribbean descent, will be expected to have large voltage QRS complexes and sometimes abnormal repolarization, and this is not necessarily a pathologic finding.

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Category: Orthopedics

Title: Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Keywords: stress fracture, shin splints (PubMed Search)

Posted: 4/7/2012 by Brian Corwell, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

Exertional leg pain in the athlete carries a wide range of possible etiologies. In a recent review article, etiologies included, stress fracture (25%), exertional compartment syndrome (33%), medial tibial stress syndrome (13%), nerve entrapment (10%), and popliteal artery entrapment syndrome.


Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is also known as shin splints. It is a repetitive-stress overuse injury.

Risk factors include: hyperpronation, higher BMI, increased hip internal rotation, and hyperplantar flexion.

While MTSS may be on a stress reaction spectrum that includes fracture, the causes are likely to also include tendinopathy and muscle dysfunction (tibialis anterior, posterior and soleus).

Radiographs will be normal with this condition. MRI and bone scan may show signal abnormality along the posterior medial tibial surface.

Treatment: In most cases participation in sports may continue. Also consider, rest/activity modification, ice, NSAIDs, physical therapy for calf stretching and strengthening,  and rigid orthotics (to correct foot hyperpronation). Semi rigid and neoprene orthotics may be considered for prevention in those with a prior history.

Category: Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Title: Fidaxomicin vs. Vancomycin for Clostridium difficile infection

Keywords: vancomycin, c. diff, clostridium difficile, fidaxomicin (PubMed Search)

Posted: 4/4/2012 by Bryan Hayes, PharmD (Emailed: 4/7/2012) (Updated: 4/7/2012)
Click here to contact Bryan Hayes, PharmD

In a recent  multicenter, double-blind, randomized, non-inferiority trial, vancomycin was compared to fidaxomixin for Clostridium difficile infection.

  • Location: 45 sites in Europe and 41 sites in the USA and Canada

  • Patients: Age 16 years or older with acute toxin-positive C difficile infection.

  • Treatment: Oral fidaxomicin (200 mg every 12 h) or oral vancomycin (125 mg every 6 h) for 10 days.

  • Endpoint: Clinical cure, defined as resolution of diarrhea and no further need for treatment. 

  • Results: 198 (91.7%) of 216 patients in the per-protocol population given fidaxomicin achieved clinical cure, compared with 213 (90.6%) of 235 given vancomycin (one-sided 97·5% CI -4·3%). Occurrence of treatment-emergent adverse events did not differ between groups. 

  • Author conclusions: Fidaxomicin could be an alternative treatment for infection with C difficile, with similar efficacy and safety to vancomycin.

  • Funding: Optimer Pharmaceuticals.

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It is likely that during ones career in Emergency Medicine, one will be faced with how to work up a child presenting to the ER following exposure to common house electrical current.  The older recommendations were such that all children exposed, received a screening EKG and were admitted to telemetry for monitoring.  However, a relatively recent article in the Annals of Emergency Medicine suggests otherwise.

In fact, after reviewing several studies the authors conclude that, although there is not enough literature to support evidence based practice “guidelines”, there appears to enough evidence to support that practice of “safely discharging these children without an initial EKG evaluation or inpatient cardiac monitoring after a common household current exposure.” This includes both 120V and 220 V exposures.

Clearly, some patients may require work up and/or admission based on other injuries or clinical presentation.


Chen E H, Sareen A, Do Children Require ECG Evaluation and Inpatient Telemetry After Household Electrical Exposures? Ann Emerg Med. 2007;49:64-67.

Protamine for enoxaparin overdose

  • Protamine may be used to treat severe cases of hemorrhage in enoxaparin overdose
  • Protamine reverses the prolonged aPTT, but fails to completely reverse the anti-Xa effect (reverses about 60%)
  • Administer protamine by slow IV to equal the dose of enoxaparin injected: (1:1 ratio) 
  • if < 8 hours after last dose enoxaparin, give 1 mg protamine per 1 mg enoxaparin;
  • if 8-12 hours after last dose enoxaparin, give 0.5 mg protamine per 1 mg enoxaparin;
  • if >12 hours after last dose of enoxaparin,  protamine is not required

Transferring Multidrug-Resistant Organisms

  • Hospital-associated infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially among the critically ill.
  • Worldwide, the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria has caused significant problems.
  • A recent study from the University of Maryland examined the impact of environmental contamination on the rate of transfer of MDR bacteria to healthcare workers clothing.
  • Two important findings from this study of ICU patients were:
    • Up to 8% of healthcare workers entered a patient's room with MDR bacteria on their hands
    • Almost 5% of healthcare workers had MDR bacteria (most notably Acinetobacter) on their hands upon exiting the room despite using gloves and a gown
  • Take Home Point: Be sure to use hand hygiene upon entering and exiting a patient's room who is colonized with MDR bacteria!

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Category: Cardiology

Title: the athlete's heart and ECGs

Keywords: athlete, electrocardiogram, electrocardiography (PubMed Search)

Posted: 4/1/2012 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

Pearl provided by Dr. Semhar Tewelde

The Athlete's Heart and ECG Abnormalities
Up to 80% of athletes have common training related ECG changes/abnormalities including: sinus bradycardia, asymptomatic sinus pause, sinus arrhythmia, first degree AV block, incomplete right bundle branch block, benign early repolarization (BER), and isolated QRS voltage criteria for left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy.

Approximately 5% athletes exhibit uncommon training unrelated ECG changes/abnormalities including: T-wave inversions, ST-depression, pathological Q-waves, left axis deviation/left anterior fasicular block, right axis deviation/left posterior fasicular block, right ventricular hypertrophy, complete left or right bundle branch block, long or short QT interval, ventricular pre-excitation/WPW, Brugada pattern, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD).

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Category: Pediatrics

Title: Paroxysmal Torticollis of Infancy

Posted: 3/31/2012 by Rose Chasm, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Rose Chasm, MD

  • both head tilting to one side and rotation of the chin toward the other side
  • develops during infancy with episodes that last for hours to days
  • idiopathic neurologic condition which wanes after 2 years and stops by 3 years
  • mild delays in fine and gross motor skills are common along with family history of migraines
  • no accepted medical treatment or therapy
  • must have a normal physical and neurological examination that does not include abnormal/assymetric muscle tone, abnormal eye movements, or cranial nerve palsy

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Category: Toxicology

Title: Nebulized epinephrine for Smoke Inhalation

Keywords: epinephrine, carbon monoxide, smoke inhalation (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/29/2012 by Fermin Barrueto (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Fermin Barrueto

Animal studies can pave the way for new clinical treatment modalities. In the setting of lung injury due to smoke inhalation, one of the problems (if you can get the ET tube in) are the elevated ventilatory pressures due to the massive edema. In this sheep model of smoke inhalation, nebulized epinephrine improved ventilatory pressures, PaO2/FiO2 ratio and pulmonary shunting.

We may have these sheep to thank for this new treatment.

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Category: Critical Care

Title: Want more apnea time during Rapid Sequence Intubation? Raise the head of the bed.

Keywords: apnea time, rapid sequence intubation, atelectasis, crticial care, intubation, hypoexemia, obesity (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/26/2012 by Haney Mallemat, MD (Emailed: 3/27/2012) (Updated: 3/27/2012)
Click here to contact Haney Mallemat, MD

The supine position during rapid sequence intubation may result in posterior lung atelectasis thereby reducing lung volumes, oxygenation reserve, and ultimately apnea time.

Several studies have shown that elevating the head of the bed by at least 20 degrees or placing a patient in reverse Trendelenberg position (for patients with contra-indications to elevating the head of the bed) during RSI may significantly increase apnea time.

Elevating the head of the bed may be especially helpful for patients with BMIs >35

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26 year old male with pain when he extends his 4th finger as well as swelling of that digit. Diagnosis?

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Category: Cardiology

Title: cardiogenic shock

Keywords: hypothermia, cardiogenic shock (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/25/2012 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

Cardiogenic shock pearls from Dr. Semhar Tewelde:

1. CS is most commonly secondary to a large MI where > 40% of the myocardium is involved; however mechanical, valvular, dysrhythmogenic, and infectious etiologies should also be considered: papillary or chordal dysfunction, free wall or septal defects disease, insuffiency of any valve, myopericarditis, endocarditis, Tako-tsubo, end stage cardiomyopathy, and tamponade.
2. Incidence of 5-10% STEMI and 2.5-5% NSTEMI
3. Mortality ~50%
4. Immediate coronary reperfusion is the best treatment (NNT 8). Medical therapy is a distant second choice in management, with reperfusion and pressors as needed. Early intra-aortic balloon pump use is key.
5. Recent case reports have shown imporved outcomes when induced hypothermia was used in patients refractory to traditional therapy with pressors/inotropes/IABP.



Category: Orthopedics

Title: Cardiac risks during a marathon

Keywords: cardiac arrest, exercise, marathon (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/24/2012 by Brian Corwell, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

A recent study looked at the risk of sudden cardiac death during a marathon.

Many isolated reports of sudden death make headlines in the national news.

However, of nearly 11 million runners, only 59 went into cardiac arrest during a race. This equates to an incidence rate of 0.54 per 100,000 participants,

This rate appears to be on par with sudden death from other athletic endeavors such as triathlons and college athletics.

Median age was 42. Men affected more than women (men also more likely to die from the event).

71% of events were fatal.

Further, risk is greater for both cardiac arrest and sudden death for full marathons than half marathons.

Interestingly, older patients fared better (increased survival in those >40yo), thought to be due to an increased incidence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in younger aged runners.

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Patellar dislocations:

  • lateral displacement is the most common
  • tender with limited range of motion
  • caused by sudden twisting movement, either with or without contact
  • more common in females and young adolescents
  • reduction by extension of the knee and medial pressure on the patella
  • knee immobilizer and crutches with orthopedics or sports medicine follow up
  • recurrent cases usually require surgery for definitive repair


2. New England Musculoskeletal Institute.

Category: Critical Care

Title: HFOV in ARDS

Posted: 3/20/2012 by Mike Winters, MBA, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Mike Winters, MBA, MD

High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation for ARDS?

  • High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) is increasingly utilized for adult patients with ARDS who remain hypoxemic despite optimal settings of conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV).
  • HFOV maintains a constant mean airway pressure and delivers very small tidal volumes (1-3 ml/kg) at very high respiratory rates (frequency range up to 10 Hz).
  • Potential advantages to HFOV over CMV include greater alveolar recruitment, prevention of atelectrauma, and limiting excess alveolar distension (i.e. volutrauma).
  • Studies on HFOV in adults are not as numerous as those in neonates.  As a result, optimal timing for initiation of HFOV is unclear.
  • Nevertheless, some recommend considering HFOV for patients who persistently need an FiO2 > 60% with at least 10 cm H2O of PEEP on CMV.
  • Due to the ventilator settings, patients receiving HFOV often require significant sedation and often neuromuscular blockade.  

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Category: Medical Education

Title: The Khan Academy and Whiteboard Use in EM Education

Keywords: education, whiteboards (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/12/2012 by Rob Rogers, MD (Emailed: 3/19/2012) (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD

Every heard of the Khan Academy website? If you have, you will instantly recogize what a powerful force this website has become in education. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? Head to and check it out! This site gets millions of hit PER DAY.

The Khan Academy was developed by, guess who, a guy named Kahn, Salman Kahn. This website is amazing. My kids use it for some of their school work. Trust me, check it out. If you want to know just how good this guy is...check out the size of the check Bill Gates wrote him.

What does this have to do with medical education? The videos put together by Khan utilize a teaching modality called a "whiteboard." This type of teaching technology is changing they way educators deliver material. Programs like Doceri ( utilize this concept. You can build presentations and teaching materials with audio included.

My pearl for you today is really more of an assignment...go to the two websites and check them out. First, visit the Khan Academy site and then the Doceri site. THIS kind of thing is the future of education...


Category: Cardiology

Title: young patients and CAD

Keywords: coronary artery disease, young, acute coronary syndromes (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/18/2012 by Amal Mattu, MD (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Amal Mattu, MD

How likely is coronary artery disease to occur in young patients?
An autopsy series in US communities evaluated young patients (avg age 36 years old) who died of "non-natural" causes revealed coronary atherosclerosis in > 80% of the autopsy sample, with 8% having significant obstructive disease.

The bottom line is wary of discounting the risk of ACS purely based on a patient's age. The HPI is the most important factor in predicting ACS.

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Rashes that include palms/ soles

- Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

- Kawasaki

- Erythema multiforme/ Stevens Johnson's Syndrome/ Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

- Scabies

- Syphillis


Rashes that have +Nikolsky's sign

- Scalded Skin Syndrome


-  Pemphigus Vulgaris


Rashes that desquamate

- Scalded Skin Syndrome

- Toxic Shock Syndrome

- Scarlet Fever

- Kawasaki


Category: Toxicology

Title: Had enough of coumadin and clopidogrel wannabe's?

Keywords: ticagrelor, brillinta, xarelto, pradaxa (PubMed Search)

Posted: 3/15/2012 by Fermin Barrueto (Updated: 9/20/2024)
Click here to contact Fermin Barrueto

Coumadin Wannabe's - have indication non-valvular atrial fibrillation

1) Dabigatran (Pradaxa) 

2) Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)

Clopidogrel Wannabe's - both are antiplatelets

1) Ticagrelor (Brilinta)

2) Prasugrel (Effient)

If you were looking for the first case reports of lethal hemorrhage due to pradaxa that could not be reversed - look no further. One patient fall from standing dies from ICH and another death in a spine trauma patient on pradaxa. I am waiting for the first epidural hematoma due to pradaxa, xarelto, etc in ED. Watch out! :


  1: Garber ST, Sivakumar W, Schmidt RH. Neurosurgical complications of direct  thrombin inhibitors-catastrophic hemorrhage after mild traumatic brain injury in  a patient receiving dabigatran. J Neurosurg. 2012 Mar 6.       2: Truumees E, Gaudu T, Dieterichs C, Geck M, Stokes J. Epidural Hematoma &  Intra-operative Hemorrhage in a Spine Trauma Patient on Pradaxa® [Dabigatran].  Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Feb 16.