Department Blog

Posted 6/13/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Effect of the ACA on ED Super Users

Daniel Gingold, MD, MPH, is the lead author of the article titled “Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on Emergency Department High Utilizers with Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions: A Cross-Sectional Study,” which was published in the May issue of the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. To design and conduct the study, he collaborated with Rachelle Pierre-Mathieu, MD, MPP, Medical Director, Office of Health Care Quality, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Brandon Cole, MD, MPH, Clinical Director, Emergency Department, Prince George’s Hospital Center, Andrew Miller, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, West Virginia University School of Medicine, and Joneigh Khaldun, MD, MPH, the former Medical Director, Baltimore Health Department, and now Medical Director, Detroit Health Department. They found that, after implemenation of the ACA, the proportion of ED users who were high utilizers decreased while the number of visits by high utilizers for ambulatory care sensitive conditions remained stable.

Alexis Salerno, MD, Brad Cotter, MD (now at Brown University), and Michael Winters, MD, published “The Use of Tissue Plasminogen Activator in the Treatment of Wallenberg Syndrome Caused by Vertebral Artery Dissection” in the May issue of the Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Posted 5/22/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Dr. Butler Presents Grand Rounds at Baylor

Ken Butler, DO, presented the Grand Rounds lecture for the emergency medicine residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston on May 10. The title of his talk was “Ketamine Sequence Intubation.”

Posted 5/16/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Effect of Health Policy Changes on EM in Maryland

Laura Pimentel, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Chief Medical Officer, University of Maryland Emergency Network, Fermin Barrueto, MD, Senior Vice President/Chief Medical Officer, University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health, and Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor of Emergency Medicine, with colleagues from the schools of business at City University of New York, the University of Maryland College Park, and American University, published the article titled “Impact of Health Policy Changes on Emergency Medicine in Maryland Stratified by Socioeconomic Status” in the April issue of the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. Their analysis found that implementation of the Affordable Care Act and of a global budget revenue structure for hospital reimbursement on January 1, 2014, changed emergency medicine practice and finance: admission and observation rates were lowered, fewer patients were uninsured, and professional revenue increased.

Posted 5/12/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Dr. Mattu Presents Cardiology Lectures in Netherlands

Amal Mattu, MD, was a featured speaker at the 3rd Dutch Emergency Cardiology Congress, held this week at the Albert Schweitzer Medical Center in Dordrecht, Netherlands. He presented the following lectures: ACS Mimics on ECG, WPW Finally Made Simple, STEMI without the STE on ECG, Touch Cases in Cardiac Ischemia, Bradycardia and AV Block, Emergency Cardiology Literature Update, Cardiac Arrest 2017, and PEA: A Simplified Approach.

Posted 5/5/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Pyelonephritis Case Report Published

Andrew Crouter, MD, Michael Abraham, MD, and R. Gentry Wilkerson, MD, published the case report titled “Emphysematous Pyelonephritis in a Renal Allograft” in the March issue of The American Journal of Emergency Medicine (35[3]:520.e1-520.e2).

Posted 5/3/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Dr. Bond Appointed to CORD Board of Directors

Michael Bond, MD, our Residency Program Director, has been appointed as a member-at-large on the Board of Directors of the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine. The announcement was made during the organization’s annual Academic Assembly, held last week in Fort Lauderdale.

Posted 4/19/2017 by Linda Kesselring

The Power of a Question

Laura J. Bontempo, MD, MEd, published “Family Medical History” in the Reflections column of Academic Emergency Medicine (24[2]:254-255, February 2017). In this pensive essay, Dr. Bontempo examines the impact of a question asked by many practitioners during their initial assessment of a patient. Routine inquiry into the family’s medical history becomes much less routine when heard from the patient's point of view.

Posted 4/17/2017 by Linda Kesselring

Pain Management for Sickle Cell Crisis

Amani Mahdi, MD, MBBS, former emergency medicine research fellow, published "Pain Management in Vaso-occlusive Sickle Cell Crisis" in EMResident this month. Her article is available at

Posted 4/6/2017 by Linda Kesselring

New ACEP Policy on Psychiatric Care

The American College of Emergency Physicians has issued a new policy on the diagnosis and management of adult psychiatric patients in EDs, available in the April issue of Annals of Emergency Medicine (69[4]:480-498). Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, PhD, is a member of ACEP's Clinical Policies Committee, which oversaw the development of the document.