Department Blog

Posted 4/20/2020 by Deborah Stein

Hidden Dangers: Cardiotoxicities of Cancer Drugs

Sarah Dubbs, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, lectured on “Hidden Dangers: Cardiotoxicities of Cancer Drugs” at the Maryland chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians annual education and business meeting on March 12, 2020.

Posted 4/17/2020 by Deborah Stein

Using CRISP to Support Clinical Decision-Making

Michael Grasso, MD, PhD, FACP, Assistant Professor, hosted an online talk on February 11, 2020, about using CRISP (Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients, Maryland’s health information exchange) for clinical decision support activities, including prescription drug monitoring and overdose notification.

Posted 4/16/2020 by Deborah Stein

Debut of School of Medicine Multisystem Course

Ryan Spangler, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, directed a new Multisystem course, a School of Medicine interdepartmental collaboration, the week ending February 7, 2020. More than a dozen other faculty members from the Department of Emergency Medicine also participated in teaching the three-day course:

  • Associate Professors Brian Euerle, MD, FACEP, RDMS, and Joe Martinez, MD
  • Assistant Professors Michael Billet, MD, WanTsu Wendy Chang, MD, Daa'iyah Cooper, MD, Ashley Crimmins, MD, Dan Gingold, MD, MPH, Sara Manning, MD, Alexis Salerno, MD, Kinjal Sethuraman, MD, MPH, Sarah Sommerkamp, MD, Semhar Tewelde, MD, George Willis, MD, and Andy Windsor, MD
  • Instructor Afrah Abdul Wahid Ali, MBBS
  • Clinical Instructor Kevin Flanagan, DO

Kyle Fischer, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, was first author of “Prevention Professional for Violence Intervention: A Newly Recognized Health Care Provider for Population Health Programs” (full text available), which was published in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved on February 7, 2020.

Posted 4/14/2020 by Deborah Stein

Treating COVID-19 Patients More Safely and Effectively

Jason Adler, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, was the lead author of “More Medical Innovation, Less Regulation” (full text available), published in City Journal on April 9, 2020.

In the face of restrictions put in place to spread the slow of COVID-19, the Department of Emergency Medicine pivoted to present its annual Emergency Cardiology Symposium as a livestream on April 1, 2020. More than 3,500 people from 87 countries registered to watch the conference. Presentation videos and PDF handouts are linked below:

Posted 4/10/2020 by Deborah Stein

Hirshon in the News on Novel Coronavirus

Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAAEM, FACPM, Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, was recently nterviewed for two Business Insider articles on the novel coronavirus:

David Marcozzi, MD, Associate Professor; Nicki Baehr, Healthcare Program Analyst; and Brian Browne, MD, FACEP, Professor and Department Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, were among the authors of “Development of a Hospital Medical Surge Preparedness Index Using a National Hospital Survey” (abstract available), which was published in Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology on February 14, 2020.

Posted 4/8/2020 by Deborah Stein

Winters COVID-19 Update podcast

Mike Winters, MD, Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, was among the discussants in the March 5 "COVID-19 Update" episode of the twice-monthly podcast, Critical Care Perspectives in Emergency Medicine. Full audio, along with a companion handout, is available to paid subscribers.

Elizabeth Clayborne, MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, was featured in a story by NBC Washington, “Pregnant ER Doctor Treating Coronavirus Patients Urges People to Make a Care Plan” (full text, audio, and video available), published April 6, 2020.

The National Institutes of Health has a good overview of advance care planning and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization offers links to state-specific advance directive forms.