At SOM graduation exercises May 16, Assistant Professor Ryan Spangler, MD, director of undergraduate medical education, won a Student Council Faculty Award. Winners are chosen by the Class of 2024 as its “most effective teachers in the preclinical and clinical years, as well as exemplary role models for the class.”
Members of the Class of 2024 who received awards and honors include four incoming EM interns:
Tara Balasubramanian, MD, received the Robert R. R. Roberts, MD Memorial Prize in medicine and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Award for excellence in emergency medicine. She is a member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society.
Priya Patel, MD, received the American College of Emergency Physicians Medical Student Professionalism and Leadership Award. She is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha and Gold Humanism honor societies.
Emma Silverman, MD, received the Faculty Gold Medal for outstanding qualifications for the practice of medicine, the Leonard M. Hummel Memorial Award for excellence in internal medicine, and the Leonard Tow Humanitarianism in Medicine award. She will begin her combined EM/IM residency next month.
William Zhu, MD, received the Carolyn J. Pass MD ’66 and Richard M. Susel MD ’66 Academy Student Teaching Fellows Award.
Clinical Assistant Professor and Fellowship Director in Health Policy and Leadership Kyle R. Fischer, MD, MPH, and Greg Jackson are the authors of “Community Violence Intervention as a Strategy for Reducing Gun Violence,” published in the downloadable book Reducing the Health Harms of Firearm Injury (Washington, DC: Aspen Institute, 2024). Mr. Jackson is Deputy Director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and a special assistant to President Biden.
Professor Michael Bond, MD, is this year's recipient of the Robert McNamara Award, bestowed by the AAEM in recognition of his outstanding contributions to AAEM in matters of academic leadership. Dr. Bond received the award at the organization's 30th anniversary dinner on Tuesday evening, April 30.
Earlier that day, the education programs and meetings featured:
On the assembly's last day, May 1:
At the AAEM Assembly in Austin, on April 28:
On April 29:
More presentations from UMEM faculty to the AAEM Assembly will be featured in a future entry.
EM faculty presented and led numerous classes, presentations, and workshops throughout AAEM24, the 30th Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine, April 27-May 1 in Austin, TX. On every day of the assembly, our faculty members taught courses, directed workshops, and moderated discussions for the national audience of more than 1,000 emergency physicians, residents, and students.
On April 27:
The next blog entries will highlight UMEM activities at the assembly from April 28 to May 1.
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