Department Blog

Posted 5/21/2024 by Eileen O'Brien

More UMEM faculty contributions at AAEM24

At the AAEM Assembly in Austin, on April 28:

  • Professor and Vice Chair Mike Winters, MD, and Associate Professor Laura Bontempo, MD, MEd, presented MyEMCert Prep, a recertification course. 
  • Professor and Vice Chair Amal Mattu, MD, co-directed the Advanced Electrocardiography Workshop and presented a plenary session on “Emergency Cardiology 2024: The Articles You’ve Got to Know!”
  • Dr. Bontempo moderated a track session with presentations on 4 aspects of emergency diagnoses and treatments. 
  • Dr. Winters co-led a plenary session on “Recent Resuscitation and Critical Care Articles You’ve Got to Know!”  
  • Associate Professor Mak Moayedi, MD, taught a small group workshop on Esophageal Variceal Tamponade Balloon (Blakemore) and Pigtail Chest Tube. Workshop facilitators included Clinical Instructors Bobbi-Jo Lowie, MD, Gabriella Miller, MD, and Rachel Wiltjer, DO, and Assistant Professors Lauren S. Rosenblatt, MD, and Cheyenne Falat, MD.

On April 29: 

  • Assistant Professor Jason Adler, MD, presented a track session on “Reimbursement Updates: What’s New and Lessons Learned from the Guideline Transition.” 
  • Dr. Bontempo delivered a Breve Dulce talk on “Tricky Trachs.”

More presentations from UMEM faculty to the AAEM Assembly will be featured in a future entry.