Department Blog

Posted 12/12/2016 by Linda Kesselring

Drug Choice for Rate Control in AFib

Laura Bontempo, MD, MEd, Michael Bond, MD, and Bryan Hayes, PharmD, with colleagues from the School of Pharmacy (Michelle C. Hines, PharmD, Brent Reed, PharmD, and Vijay Ivaturi, PhD), published the article titled “Diltiazem Versus Metoprolol for Rate Control in Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response in the Emergency Department” in the December issue of the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (73[24]:2068-2076). Based on their retrospective review of 100 patients’ records, the authors found that the most significant predictor of medication selection in the ED was the drug class used for rate control before the ED admission.