Category: Vascular
Keywords: AAA (PubMed Search)
Posted: 8/24/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Unusual Presentations of AAA
Many unusual presentations of AAA have been reported in the literature and include:
One more note on the whole urge to deficate thing: any thing that leads to hemoperitoneum may cause this strange complaint (ruptured AAA, ruptured ectopic pregnancy).
Category: Vascular
Posted: 8/17/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Beware of older patients with groin pain!
Lower abdominal pain (mimicking diverticulitis) and isolated groin/hip pain are relatively common presentations of AAA and iliac artery aneurysm and rupture. As many as 15-20% of symptomatic AAAs wil present with hip and/or groin pain.
Bottom line: AAA and iliac artery aneurysm should at the very least be considered in older patients (and in patients with vascular disease) who present with unexplained groin/hip pain.
Category: Vascular
Posted: 8/3/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
New Antihypertensive agent coming our way...
Well, we have nitroprusside, labetalol, nicardipine, fenoldopam, etc. Say hello to a new drug that is "reported" to be a great drug for ED patients with severe hypertension (emergencies)....Clevipidine (Cleviprex).
Clevidipine is an ultrashort acting calcium channel blocker that has been found to be a powerful antihypertensive medication.
Unique properties of the drug:
Remains to be seen if this drug will play in a role in the treatment of our severely hypertensive patients....stay tuned...
Category: Airway Management
Keywords: Upper GI Bleed, Fistula (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/27/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Aortoenteric Fistula (AEF)-Beware the Upper GI Bleed!
Important points about AEF:
Pearl: Suspect a aortoenteric fistula in any patient with a prior AAA repair who presents with an upper GI bleed (may also be lower GI bleed)
Category: Misc
Keywords: Bradycardia (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/13/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
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Great case of bradycardia today in the ED-requiring transvenous pacemaker....cause?? K 7.6
Some bradycardia pearls:
Category: Vascular
Keywords: Hypertensive, Encephalopathy (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/6/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Hypertensive encephalopathy (HE) is one of the true hypertensive emergencies. Although usually seen with diastolic BPs greater than 120 mm Hg, it can occur in patients with lower numbers. And the diagnosis can be really tricky to make. Sometimes the diagnosis isn't clear until symptoms resolve from BP reduction .
The presentation is variable and includes:
The goal of treatment is to reduce the BP NO MORE THAN 25% (of the MAP) within the first few hours. In addition, drugs like Hydralazine (which may lead to a precipitous decline in BP) and Clonidine (which can alter mental status) should be avoided.
Medications to consider for treating HE include intravenous drips-Fenoldopam, Nicardipine, Labetalol. Drugs like Nipride are probably best avoided since cyanide toxicity may alter a patient's mental status further.
Category: Medical Education
Keywords: Teaching (PubMed Search)
Posted: 6/29/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
Todays pearl pertains to a great new blog put together by Dr. Michelle Lin, entitled "Academic Life in Emergency Medicine." The blog is superb and is a great resource for anyone interested in academic EM.
Today's posting is about teaching when time is limited and Michelle discusses a really good article written by Irby, et al. This article addresses a topic that is very pertinent to us in the ED, how to teach when it is busy. Isn't it always busy?
Tips from the article:
1. Identify the learner needs (can't be successful without this important step)
2. Teach rapidly (great tips for how to do this in the ED)
3. Provide feedback (students are starving for this)
Want more??? Gotta check out the article....
Here is the link to the site:
Category: Toxicology
Keywords: Alcohol (PubMed Search)
Posted: 6/16/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
The Alcoholic Patient in the ED
Well, we have all been there....EMS rolls in with "another drunk guy" found down in the street. The nurses tell you, "he is here all the time...he is just drunk." You should be scared any time you hear this phrase uttered. Always be a little nervous about this group of patients and you won't fall victim to many of the pitfalls that some of us have experienced.
Pearls and Pitfalls in Caring for the Intoxicated Patient in the ED:
Category: Medical Education
Keywords: Teaching (PubMed Search)
Posted: 6/8/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
Some Pearls on ED Teaching:
Only reference really is the great teaching faculty at the University of Maryland....
Category: Vascular
Keywords: Transvenous pacing (PubMed Search)
Posted: 5/26/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Transvenous pacing
We had a very interesting case the other day in the ED. A 60 yo male presented after a syncopal episode. After arriving in the ED he was awake (with a pulse of 50) but then became asystolic, without warning. He then woke up and 10 minutes later became asystolic again. He then woke up again. So, we decided to put in a transvenous pacer.
Some considerations when putting in a transvenous pacer:
Category: Hematology/Oncology
Keywords: multiple myeloma, altered mental status, hyperviscosity syndrome (PubMed Search)
Posted: 5/18/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Multiple Myeloma + Altered Mental Status=Hyperviscosity Syndrome
Although the differential diagnosis of altered mental status is quite extensive, a patient with multiple myeloma and altered mental status should prompt consideration of one important, albeit not too common, condition.....hyperviscosity syndrome.
Some important pearls:
Category: Vascular
Keywords: venous thromboembolism, microalbuminuria (PubMed Search)
Posted: 5/12/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
Risk of PE/DVT in patients with microalbuminuria....another risk factor to consider??
Microalbuminuria (protein in the urine) is a known risk factor for arterial thromboembolic disease, and recent studies suggest that arterial thromboembolism and venous thromboembolism (VTE) have common risk factors. In a prospective community-based cohort study in the Netherlands, researchers enrolled 8574 adults (age range, 28-75) who were followed for 9 years. People with insulin-dependent diabetes or pregnancy were excluded.
Of 129 identified episodes of VTE, roughly half were deep venous
thromboses, and half were pulmonary embolisms. The annual VTE incidence
rate was 0.12% in patients with normoalbuminuria (<30 mg/24 hours)
versus 0.40% in those with microalbuminuria. After adjustment for known VTE
risk factors and other factors (including hypertension, known coronary arterydisease, and elevated C-reactive protein level), the hazard ratio for
VTE in people who had microalbuminuria, compared with those who had
normoalbuminuria, was 2.0.
Comment: The importance of this study is not in the clinical value of
usingmicroalbuminuria as a marker for VTE risk, because the absolute risk
conferred by microalbuminuria is very low, and the therapeutic
implicationsare unclear. Rather, this study suggests that microalbuminuria is a
marker for endothelial dysfunction in both arterial and venous systems, and it
suggests a mechanism for how statins interact with the endothelium to
prevent VTE (JW Cardiol Mar 29 2009).
So, does this affect us as emergency physician? Unclear. But it may very well mean that we might be dealing with a new risk factor that needs to be taken into consideration when evaluating patients with chest pain or SOB. Obviously, we might need medical records to find this risk factor...can you imagine asking a patient if they have microalbuminuria?
Mahmoodi BK et al. Microalbuminuria and the risk of venous
thromboembolism. JAMA 2009 May 6; 301:1790
Category: Medical Education
Keywords: Lecture (PubMed Search)
Posted: 5/5/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Giving a Lecture-Pearls and Pitfalls
Giving a lecture is filled with many potential pearls and pitfalls. Here are just a few important points that are frequently discussed:
For an entertaining discussion of the pearls and pitfalls if giving a presentation check out the May episode of EMRAP: Educators' Edition on iTunes (also on the website There is a great discussion by Greg Henry, Mel Herbert, and Amal Mattu. Check it out. It's free!
Amal Mattu, Joe Lex, Greg Henry
Category: Medical Education
Posted: 4/29/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Questioning Learners in the ED-Wait Times
When teaching medical students and residents, consider that the literature shows that we tend to wait only a few seconds (some studies say 3 seconds-which seems like a long time when you are waiting for a response) for a response. Bottom line, it has been demonstrated that many learners have the answer and will respond if simply given the time. Hard to do sometimes in a busy ED. Learners who aren't given time to respond will quickly learn that if they simply wait long enough the answers will be given to them.
So, when asking a question (NOT pimping) to a medical student or resident, simply wait a little longer. They may very well surprise you with the answer.
Whitman NA, Schwenk TL. Preceptors as Teachers.
Category: Medical Education
Keywords: Teaching (PubMed Search)
Posted: 4/21/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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The One Minute Preceptor Model of Teaching in the ED
This is a teaching strategy that most of us are very familiar with. Why? Because many, if not most, of us do it every day. We listen to a case, get a committment from the learner, probe for supporting evidence, and then give a teaching pearl and offer learning resources.
Perhaps one of the biggest pitfalls in teaching is NOT WAITING for the learner to answer to question. How often have you asked a question to a medical student and gave the answer? How often has a student presented a case and then they clammed up and didn't commit to a diagnosis or treatment plan?
A simple strategy for teaching success:
Category: Misc
Keywords: Errors (PubMed Search)
Posted: 4/14/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
Diagnostic Errors in the Emergency Department
Believe it or not, there is actually a field of medicine that is devoted to examining how physicians think in clinical practice, i.e. how we make diagnostic decisions. Much of the work on this has been done by Pat Croskerry. This is extremely important for emergency physicians because we frequently have to make split second medical decisions with little to no information.
Why is this so important? If we can understand where errors are made, we can actually improve our own diagnostic skills and reduce our errors rates.
Some key pitfalls that we all fall victim to:
Jerome Groopman, How Doctors Think
Pat Croskerry
Category: Medical Education
Keywords: Teaching (PubMed Search)
Posted: 4/6/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
The One Minute Preceptor-Microskills in Teaching
Most clinical teaching takes place in the context of busy clinical practice where time is at a premium. Microskills enable teachers to effectively assess, instruct, and give feedback more efficiently. This model is used when the teacher knows something about the case that the learner needs or wants to know.
Most of already do this on a daily basis when a learner (student or resident) presents a case to us.
One of the biggest pitfalls in teaching, particularly to medical students, is the first skill, getting a commitment. Let (i.e. make) the student commit to a diagnosis and treatment plan and avoid spoonfeeding them.
1. Irby, D.M., How Attending Physicians Make Instructional Decisions when Conducting Teaching Rounds. Academic Medicine, 1992. 67: p. 630-638.
2. Irby, D.M., Three Exemplary Models of Case-based Teaching. Academic Medicine, 1994. 69(12): p. 947-953.
3. Irby, D.M. What Clinical Teachers in Medicine Need to Know. Academic Medicine, 1994. 69(5): p. 333-342.
4. Neher, JO, Gordon, KC, Meyer, B, and Stevens, N. A Five-step "Microskills" Model of Clinical Teaching. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. 5:419-424, 1992.
Category: Vascular
Keywords: Nitroprusside (PubMed Search)
Posted: 3/30/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Nitroprusside-Friend or Foe?
Nitroprusside is a direct venous and arteriolar vasodilator and is very effective at lowering blood pressure. It has been used for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies for many years and most of are comfortable with using it.
The problems with the drug:
Marik PE, etc. Hypertensive crises: challenges and management. Chest 2007;131:1949-62
Category: Med-Legal
Keywords: Documentation, Chest Pain (PubMed Search)
Posted: 3/23/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
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Documentation of the Chest Pain Patient
Chest pain is a high risk entity in emergency medicine. And since many patients we see with chest pain are eventually discharged, we should consider what our charts should look like should we discharge a patient who has a missed life-threatening diagnosis. In other words, what would an attorney look for?
Considerations for the chart:
Category: Airway Management
Keywords: Airway (PubMed Search)
Posted: 3/16/2009 by Rob Rogers, MD
(Updated: 1/26/2025)
Click here to contact Rob Rogers, MD
Keys to a Successful Intubation
The famous Ken Butler