
This lecture is a part of "Weekly Conference" - Jul 17, 2019

OB/GYN - Precipitous delivery in the Emergency Department
Shock trauma Auditorium
• Signs of imminent delivery: need to bear down, crowning, intense contractions that are regular and closely spaced • Birth on Arrival Kit should contain: sterile gloves, sterile towels, sterile gauze, betadine, lubricant gel, umbilical cord clamps, Kelly clamps, scissors, suture and needle driver • What baby needs on arrival: infant warmer/ isolette, suction bulb, towels, neonatal resuscitation supplies • Neonatal Resuscitation: Evaluate for and empirically treat hypoxia • 90% of maternal deaths occur within four hours of delivery. Causes of post-partum hemorrhage (PPH): uterine atony (70-80%), trauma, retained placental tissue, coagulation disorders • WHO recommendations for initial management of PPH (2017): routine use of uterotonics (Pitocin/Oxytocin, Methergine/Methylergonovine, Hemabate/Carboprost), bimanual uterine massage, fluid resuscitation
Jul 17, 2019 - 8:45 am
1 hour
1 hour
Lecture Schedule
Lecture Schedule for Weekly Conference - Jul 17, 2019 - 7:30 am
US Core - Aorta US 7:30 am - 8:30 am (1 hour)
OB/GYN - Precipitous delivery in the Emergency Department 8:45 am - 9:45 am (1 hour)
Dermatology - "Gotta love the Burn." 9:45 am - 10:45 am (1 hour)
Genitourinary - Too Much Cr-a-K 10:45 am - 11:45 am (1 hour)
FHC - Cases 7-10 11:45 am - 12:45 pm (1 hour)
Additional Info
Don’t Drop the Baby! - Dr. Michelle Callahan