UMEM Educational Pearls - By Joey Scollan

Category: Pediatrics

Title: The Life-Treatening Umbilical Cord

Keywords: Omphalitis, necrotizing fasciitis, umbilical cord (PubMed Search)

Posted: 10/4/2013 by Joey Scollan, DO
Click here to contact Joey Scollan, DO

Should you be concerned about erythema around the umbilical stump?!


Often parents will bring their neonate to the ED with concerns about the umbilical cord and it is just a simple granuloma or normal detachment. But is it omphalitis???

Omphalitis incidence is low in developed countries, but that means it’s easier, and no less catastrophic, to miss!

Omphalitis is a superficial cellulitis of the umbilical cord, but 10-16% progress to necrotizing fasciitis of the abdominal wall!!!

Always ADMIT and consider consulting surgery early in case of rapid progression…

Most often polymicrobial and should be treated with:

  • Anti-staphylococcal PCN,  Vanc, & an Aminoglycoside
  • Also consider adding Metronidazole or Clindamycin for anaerobic coverage
  • Anti-pseudomonal coverage if toxic

Should notice improvement within 12-24 hours, so if don’t or begin to observe

  • Fever
  • Induration
  • Peau d’orange tisse
  • Tenderness
  • Violaceous discoloration
  • Crepitace
  • Increased erythema
  • Systemic signs of toxicity/shock

CONSULT SURERY for concern of necrotizing fasciitis which has a mortality rate of close to 60%!!!



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Category: Airway Management

Title: ALTE Overview

Keywords: ALTE, life threatening, child abuse, GERD (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/2/2013 by Joey Scollan, DO
Click here to contact Joey Scollan, DO


Definition: An episode that is characterized by some combination of apnea, color change, change in muscle tone, choking, gagging, or a fear in the observer that the infant has died.



- GERD is by far the most common underlying etiology

- Do NOT forget about child abuse


Workup: Dependent on your Hx/PE (Take into account the child’s age (<30 days or h/o prematurity), existence of prior ALTE episodes, general appearance, etc.)

One study showed the concordance of initial working to discharge diagnosis of GERD was 96%, and non-concordant diagnoses evolved within 24 hours


Dispo: The easy part! ADMIT!

Even well-appearing children with a “benign” diagnosis like GERD have been shown to benefit from admission. And there is a high likelihood that ALTE’s from a serious cause are likely to recur within 24hours.

A recent study looked at 176 infants who presented to the ED with an ALTE over a 5 year period. Essentially all were admitted.

  • Blood cultures were obtained in 63% and CSF cultures were obtained in 37% and no pathogens were identified in either
  • CXRs were obtained in 115 (65%) patients and 12 had infiltrates
  • RSV nasal washing were obtained in 32% and positive in 9 patients
  • At the time of follow up, 2 patients had died, both after hospital discharge and within 2 weeks of ED visit and both of pneumonia. Both had a negative diagnostic evaluation in the ED.

Conclusion: The risk of subsequent mortality in infants presenting ALTE is substantial, and we should consider routine admission for all of these patients.




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