UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Pediatrics

Title: Button Batteries in Button Noses

Keywords: nasal foreign bodies, button battery, batteries, ENT (PubMed Search)

Posted: 10/10/2009 by Adam Friedlander, MD
Click here to contact Adam Friedlander, MD

While it is often ok to defer removal of pesky nasal foreign bodies until ENT follow up, if the foreign body may be a button battery, emergent identification and removal is indicated.

Damage can occur in 3 hours, and by 24 hours, near complete necrosis of turbinates and ala has been described.

  • If the object may be a button battery, consider a plain film - if it doesn't show up, it isn't a battery, and you are in the clear.
  • If you can clearly see the button battery, you can try to remove it - consider using a magnet if one is available - more on that in a future pearl.
  • Lastly, if you cannot visualize the battery, if there is any evidence of content leakage, or if there is any tissue damage, emergently consult ENT for assistance - this is a surgical emergency.



  • Dane S, Smally AJ, Peredy TR. A Truly Emergent Problem: Button Battery in the Nose. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2000; 7:204-206

  • Glynn F, Amin M, Kinsella J. Nasal Foreign Bodies in Children: Should They Have a Plain Radiograph in the Accident and Emergency? Pediatric Emergency Care. 2004;24:217-218.