UMEM Educational Pearls

Title: High risk medication use in cognitively impaired older patients

Category: Geriatrics

Keywords: Geriatrics, high risk medications, pharmacy (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/3/2024 by Robert Flint, MD (Updated: 2/14/2025)
Click here to contact Robert Flint, MD

This article serves as a great reminder that our older patients are on a significant amount of medications and many of these medications effect cognition. Cognitively impaired patients are at risk of medication errors. High risk medications in older patients include anticoagulants, opioids, anticholinergics, hypoglycemic/insulin and sedating medications.  The authors found: 

  • “In unadjusted analyses and analyses adjusted for a variety of demographic and clinical factors, older adults with cognitive impairment living alone were exposed to a similar number of high-risk medications as those living with others, while at the same time receiving less support from others for medication management.”

It is important to ask how the patient takes (or doesn’t take) their medications as well as other social determinate of health such as living alone.


Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyEarly View


High-risk medication use among older adults with cognitive impairment living alone in the United States

Matthew E. Growdon MD, MPHBocheng Jing MSKristine Yaffe MDLeah S. Karliner MD, MASKatherine L. Possin PhDElena Portacolone MBA, MPH, PhDW. John Boscardin PhDKrista L. Harrison PhDMichael A. Steinman MD

First published: 26 July 2024