UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Orthopedics

Title: Posterior Hip Dislocation

Keywords: Dislocation, reduction, AVN (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/13/2022 by Brian Corwell, MD
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

The hip joint is a very strong and stable structure requiring great force to produce a dislocation

Most hip dislocations are posterior (80-90%)

Mechanism:  MVC generating force onto an adducted flexed hip (most commonly)

Associated injuries occur both locally (acetabular fx) and distant (knee bone and ligamentous)

                Significant associated injuries in >70%

The hip joint has a very precarious blood supply.

One of the risk factors for AVN is total dislocation time

                <6 hours - 5% incidence

                >6 hours – up to 53% incidence

Examine the sciatic nerve carefully with posterior dislocations (10% incidence)

                Motor – EHL/ankle dorsiflexion

                Sensory – sensation dorsum of foot


There are many reduction maneuvers including the East Baltimore Lift technique

Demonstrated at 30 seconds in above video

Place patient supine with affected leg flexed to 90 degrees at knee and hip. 2 providers position themselves on opposite sides of the patient and each places their arm under the patient’s calf/popliteal region and their hand on the opposite providers shoulder. A 3rd person is required to stabilize the pelvis. Axial traction is generated by the providers slowly standing up. Gentle internal and external rotation can facilitate successful reduction