Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: musculoskeletal, POCUS, joint arthrocentesis, shoulder dislocation, joint injection (PubMed Search)
Posted: 8/19/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
To obtain a posterior shoulder view: Have the patient sit up with the back of the bed down. Position the curvilinear probe in the posterior aspect of the shoulder with the probe parallel to the patient bed, at the level just below the scapular spine and the marker towards the patient's left. You can have the patient rotate their arm to help you visualize the movement of the humeral head.
In the normal anatomy, the humeral head should be at the level of the glenoid (this is a patient's left shoulder):
Locate the glenohumeral joint space. You can evaluate the GH joint for effusion, perform joint arthrocentesis/injection and look for signs of shoulder dislocation.
If you are evaluating for signs of a dislocation:
Posterior dislocation: the humeral head will be more SUPERFICIAL in the image than the scapular spine
Anterior dislocation: the humeral head will be DEEPER in the image than the scapular spine.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS, Trauma, Cardiac Tamponade, Pericardial Effusion, FAST exam (PubMed Search)
Posted: 8/5/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
In a critically ill trauma patient, the FAST exam is used to evaluate for potential internal injuries. Specifically, the subxiphoid view of the FAST exam helps assess for signs of pericardial tamponade. However, distinguishing between a pericardial effusion and an epicardial fat pad can be challenging.
One study indicated that the sensitivity of EPs in differentiating between effusion and fat pad was 73%, with a specificity of 44% when reviewing difficult patient video clips.
Here are some tips to help you distinguish between effusion and fat pad:
Change your view: Use the parasternal long axis view, which is more sensitive for effusion. Fat pads are usually anteriorly, and effusions tend to accumulate posteriorly in a supine patient.
Screen for other signs of tamponade: Adjust your subxiphoid view to visualize the IVC entering the right atrium, allowing better visualization of the right side of the heart.
Movement: Fat tends to move synchronously with the heart, whereas hemopericardium moves independently.
Echogenicity: Fat typically appears brighter on ultrasound, while blood tends to be less echogenic.
For further learning, refer to the supplemental Material from the referenced articles.
Bronshteyn YS, Hashmi N, Privratsky JR, Barbeito A. Blood or Fat? Differentiating Hemopericardium versus Epicardial Fat Using Focused Cardiac Ultrasound. Diagnostics (Basel). 2024 Apr 15;14(8):818. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics14080818. PMID: 38667464
Blaivas M, DeBehnke D, Phelan MB. Potential errors in the diagnosis of pericardial effusion on trauma ultrasound for penetrating injuries. Acad Emerg Med. 2000 Nov;7(11):1261-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2000.tb00472.x
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS, dvt, vascular (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/29/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
POCUS for DVT is a tricky examination.
Exam of positive study on transverse:
Longitudinal Image showing clot:
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS, fluid resuscitation, Inferior Vena Cava (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/15/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Many may look at the Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) to get a sense of a patient's “fluid responsiveness.” However, there are many pitfalls to using the IVC. An article by Via et al outlines these pitfalls and is an interesting read!
To summarize, IVC can be affected by:
Bottom Line: Think twice before using IVC to evaluate for fluid responsiveness.
Via G, Tavazzi G, Price S. Ten situations where inferior vena cava ultrasound may fail to accurately predict fluid responsiveness: a physiologically based point of view. Intensive Care Med. 2016 Jul;42(7):1164-7. doi: 10.1007/s00134-016-4357-9.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS, GI, SBO (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/8/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
POCUS has been shown to have a 92.4% sensitive (95% CI 89.0% to 94.7%) and 96.6% specific for identifying SBO.
Some characteristics of SBO include:
-dilated fluid filled bowel
-contents of bowel moving to and fro like a washer machine
-wall thickening and ability to see plicae circulares
- in high grade obstruction you may also notice intraperitoneal fluid near the dilated bowel.
Gottlieb M, Peksa GD, Pandurangadu AV, Nakitende D, Takhar S, Seethala RR. Utilization of ultrasound for the evaluation of small bowel obstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Feb;36(2):234-242. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2017.07.085.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS; FAST exam; Trauma (PubMed Search)
Posted: 6/17/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Although the FAST exam can be helpful in expediting care of patients with intraabdominal injuries, there are a few pitfalls.
1. The FAST exam has a wide sensitivity which depends on sonographer skill and the patient's body habitus. It is best used as a “Rule In NOT Rule Out” exam.
2. The FAST exam is not good for identifying bowel injury or retroperitoneal bleeding and may not be able to pick up low volume hemoperitoneum.
3. The FAST exam is not able to identify the type of fluid e.g. ascites vs blood.
Some Tips for Performing the FAST exam:
1.Go slow, fan through the view completely. In the RUQ view make sure you are evaluating the liver tip.
2. Place the patient in slight Trendelenburg.
3. If you have clinical concern for injury, don't stop at a negative FAST.
Savatmongkorngul S, Wongwaisayawan S, Kaewlai R. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma: current perspectives. Open Access Emerg Med. 2017 Jul 26;9:57-62. doi: 10.2147/OAEM.S120145.
Category: Administration
Keywords: POCUS, musculoskeletal, fingers, water baths (PubMed Search)
Posted: 6/3/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Do you have a patient with a finger injury or infection, or possibly a retained foreign body?
Try placing the hand in a water bath and use a linear ultrasound probe for evaluation. If there is an open wound, use a sterile ultrasound probe cover.
With ultrasound guidance, you can observe dynamic finger movements and identify areas that may require abscess drainage.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: Pleural Effusion; POCUS (PubMed Search)
Posted: 4/22/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Emailed: 4/29/2024)
(Updated: 4/29/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
How do you look for signs of a pleural effusion with ultrasound?
Place your ultrasound probe in the mid axillary line with the probe marker placed towards the patient's head.
Find the movement of the diaphragm and scan just above the diaphragm.
In normal lung, air scatters the ultrasound signal, and you are not able to see structures above the diaphragm.
With a pleural effusion, you can see:
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS; Lumbar Puncture; Neurology (PubMed Search)
Posted: 4/15/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Simple tool to help improve your next lumbar puncture: Use ultrasound for site marking.
This can be done in a patient sitting up or laying on their side.
-First start with the probe marker midline towards the patient's head and use the ultrasound to identify the L4/L5 and L3/L4 space.
-Use a surgical pen away from the gel to mark midline on both sides of the probe, using the midline marker on the ultrasound probe. You can use m mode to help you identify the middle of the image when using a curvilinear probe.
-Then rotate the probe towards the patient's left and use the ultrasound to identify the midline point (spinous process)
-Use a surgical pen away from the gel to mark midline on both sides of the probe, using the midline marker on the ultrasound probe.
-Clean off the gel, connect the skin markings and use a 3 cc syringe to mark the center of the crosshair.
-Sterilize and start your LP!
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS; Ultrasound Artifacts (PubMed Search)
Posted: 4/1/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Ultrasound artifacts can sometimes be helpful, but sometimes they can be misleading.
For example:
1)Does this patient have a gallstone?
No, this is edge artifact! This is due to the ultrasound signals refracting off the side of the gallbladder wall.
No, this is side lobe artifact! This is due to a bright reflector outside of the central beam of the ultrasound signal that the machine mistakenly places with in the center of the beam. Side lobe artifact can occur near fluid filled masses such as the gallbladder and bladder.
No, this is mirror artifact!! This is due to ultrasound signals bouncing off a highly reflective surface such as the diaphragm. The ultrasound machine misinterprets the time delay from the reflected ultrasound signal as a structure deeper in the image.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: ultrasound, nerve block (PubMed Search)
Posted: 3/11/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
What happens if you have a patient who steps on a nail? How can you make this procedure easier for you and the patient?
– Use a Posterior Tibial Nerve Block! !
To Perform This Procedure:
Tibial — Highland EM Ultrasound Fueled pain management (
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS; Renal Colic; Flank Pain; Hydronephrosis (PubMed Search)
Posted: 2/5/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Ultrasound is the first line diagnostic tool to evaluate younger patients who present to the ED with flank pain.
Most of the time on ultrasound, you will not see the actual kidney stone. More often, you will see associated signs such as hydronephrosis.
In a patient with hydronephrosis, the normally hyperechoic renal pelvis will become anechoic. With increased severity of the hydronephrosis, you can have complete distortion of the kidney.
You can tell the difference between hydronephrosis and a renal vein by placing color doppler over the image. Hydronephrosis will not have flow.
Moore CL, Carpenter CR, Heilbrun ML, et al. Imaging in Suspected Renal Colic: Systematic Review of the Literature and Multispecialty Consensus. J Urol. 2019 Sep;202(3):475-483. doi: 10.1097/JU.0000000000000342.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS, musculoskeletal, ankle, arthrocentesis (PubMed Search)
Posted: 1/29/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Many patients present to the emergency department for ankle swelling. On way to identify signs of intra-articular swelling is to use POCUS. To perform this, place the linear probe at the tibio-talar junction with the probe marker placed towards the patient’s head. An effusion is identified as anechoic fluid in-between the tibia and talus bone.
POCUS has been shown to improve first-pass success and overall success as compared to a landmark based approach for medium-sized joints. When performing an ankle arthrocentesis with POCUS, care should be taken to avoid blood vessels and tendons.
Gibbons RC, Zanaboni A, et al. Ultrasound-versus landmark-guided medium-sized joint arthrocentesis: A randomized clinical trial. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Feb;29(2):159-163. doi: 10.1111/acem.14396.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: POCUS; Cardiac Tamponade; Cardiology; Critical Care (PubMed Search)
Posted: 1/15/2024 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
What are the signs of Cardiac Tamponade on ultrasound?
Think of them as a pyramid with clinical importance decreasing as you rise to the top of the pyramid.
To have tamponade you need a pericardial effusion.
The most specific sign of tamponade is RV collapse in diastole.
The earliest and most sensitive sign is RA collapse over 1/3 of the cardiac cycle from late diastole into systole, which is why we say RA collapse during systole.
IVC dilation also occurs but is not sensitive.
Placing the pulse wave Doppler over the mitral valve and evaluating the change with respirations is an advanced technique. It’s positive if you have 25% change.
Don’t know if you are in systole or diastole? Connect your telemetry leads to the ultrasound machine. Don't have leads? Then you can also cine scroll on a subxiphoid view or parasternal view to look at when the valves are open and closed, then compare to the cardiac wall positioning.
Alerhand S, Adrian RJ, Long B, Avila J. Pericardial tamponade: A comprehensive emergency medicine and echocardiography review. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Aug;58:159-174. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2022.05.001. Epub 2022 May 6. PMID: 35696801.
Category: Ultrasound
Keywords: Obstetrics; POCUS; Transvaginal Ultrasound (PubMed Search)
Posted: 12/18/2023 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
By performing a Point-of-Care Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVUS), we can decrease length of stay for patients with early pregnancy. Moreover, if an ectopic pregnancy is identified, we can decrease time to the OR for these patients.
Begin by discussing the exam with the patient and ensuring they have emptied their bladder. Apply a probe cover and add sterile lubricant to the outside of the probe tip. You can save time by performing a TVUS immediately after the pelvic speculum exam for swab collection.
Gently introduce the transducer with the marker upward, directed towards the ceiling. As you slowly advance, the uterus will be visualized in a sagittal orientation. Fan through the uterus by moving the probe handle left and right.
Image From: doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2022.12.006.
Rotate the transducer so that the marker is directed towards the patient's right side. Fan through the uterus by lifting the probe handle up and down.
Image From: doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2022.12.006.
If a gestational sac is found, you should measure the gestational age and if present, fetal heart rate.
Tilt the transducer towards the patient's left or right side to visualize the adnexa. The adnexa will be located medially to the iliac vessels.
Remove the transducer and follow your department protocol for high level disinfection.
Salerno A, Lewiss RE. Rekindling the Relevance of Obstetrical Transvaginal POCUS: Overcoming Barriers to Ensure Patient-Centered Care. POCUS J. 2023 Nov 27;8(2):106-108. doi: 10.24908/pocus.v8i2.16855. PMID: 38099157; PMCID: PMC10721291.
King SA, Salerno A, Sommerkamp S. Ultrasound in Pregnancy. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2023 May;41(2):337-353. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2022.12.006. Epub 2023 Feb 9. PMID: 37024168.
Category: Vascular
Keywords: aortic aneurysm; point-of-care ultrasound; pocus; aortic dissection (PubMed Search)
Posted: 12/4/2023 by Alexis Salerno, MD
(Updated: 9/10/2024)
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Point-of-Care Ultrasound can help to identify signs of thoracic aortic dissection.
One view to help in your assessment is the Parasternal Long Axis View.
To correctly measure the aortic root:
Here is an example of an aortic root aneurysm:
Kennedy Hall M, Coffey EC, Herbst M, Liu R, Pare JR, Andrew Taylor R, Thomas S, Moore CL. The "5Es" of emergency physician-performed focused cardiac ultrasound: a protocol for rapid identification of effusion, ejection, equality, exit, and entrance. Acad Emerg Med. 2015 May;22(5):583-93. doi: 10.1111/acem.12652.
Category: Pediatrics
Keywords: POCUS, Pediatrics, Lung Ultrasound, Bronchiolitis (PubMed Search)
Posted: 11/20/2023 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Acute bronchiolitis (AB) is a common cause of respiratory tract infections in infants. A recent study looked at the application of Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound (LUS) in infants <12 months who presented with symptoms of AB.
They scored infant lungs using a cumulative 12-zone system. With the below scale:
0 - A lines with <3 B lines per lung segment.
1 - ≥3 B lines per lung segment, but not consolidated.
2 - consolidated B lines, but no subpleural consolidation.
3 - subpleural consolidation with any findings scoring 1 or 2.
They found that infants with higher LUS scores had increased rates of hospitalization and length of stay.
Here are some tips for ultrasounding a pediatric patient:
Smith JA, Stone BS, Shin J, Yen K, Reisch J, Fernandes N, Cooper MC. Association of outcomes in point-of-care lung ultrasound for bronchiolitis in the pediatric emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2023 Oct 21;75:22-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.10.019. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37897916.
Category: Misc
Keywords: POCUS (PubMed Search)
Posted: 9/18/2023 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Point of Care Ultrasound has been shown to change medical management and decrease time to diagnosis.
However, sometimes on a busy shift we may get an xray or radiological study prior to performing a POCUS exam due to time constraints.
A recent study looked at the time it takes to perform a bedside ultrasound.
The authors measured the duration of time from starting the exam through the ultrasound worklist to the timestamp on the last recorded image.
They reviewed 2144 studies and found a median time of 6 minutes to perform a study.
Of course the study is limited by the time it takes to find a machine, make sure it is functioning and other supplies such as gel.
Conclusion: You can take 6 minutes to assist in your patient's clinical care.
Patrick DP, Bradley XG, Wolek C, Anderson B, Grady J, Herbst MK. Minutes matter: Time it takes to perform point-of-care ultrasound. AEM Educ Train. 2023 Aug 18;7(4):e10901. doi: 10.1002/aet2.10901. PMID: 37600853; PMCID: PMC10436032.
Category: Ophthamology
Keywords: POCUS, Ocular, Posterior Chamber (PubMed Search)
Posted: 8/7/2023 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Prior research has shown that EPs can accurately detect ocular pathology using POCUS.
A recent retrospective review looked at how ultrasound image gain levels impacted the accuracy of POCUS for detection of retinal detachment, retinal hemorrhage and posterior vitreous detachment.
They included 383 ED patients who received ocular POCUS and ophthalmology consultations.
Conclusions: The authors found that increasing the gain for ocular POCUS images allowed for increased sensitivity.
Here is an example of a vitreous hemorrhage on ocular POCUS using low gain and high gain.
Chang M, Finney N, Baker J, Rowland J, Gupta S, Sarsour R, Saadat S, Fox JC. Optimal Image Gain Intensity of Point-of-care Ultrasound when Screening for Ocular Abnormalities in the Emergency Department. West J Emerg Med. 2023 May 5;24(3):622-628. doi: 10.5811/westjem.59714.
Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology
Keywords: POCUS, OB, Ectopic Pregnancy (PubMed Search)
Posted: 7/31/2023 by Alexis Salerno, MD
Click here to contact Alexis Salerno, MD
Ectopic pregnancy ranges from 3 to 13% in symptomatic first-trimester ED patients.
The discriminatory zone is defined as the level of Bhcg above which an intrauterine pregnancy can be reliably detected using ultrasound. (1,500 mIU/mL for transvaginal ultrasound and 3,000 mIU/mL for transabdominal ultrasound)
One study found that an intrauterine pregnancy was visualized with as low as 1,440 mIU/mL and patients with an interdeterminate pelvic ultrasound who were found to have an ectopic pregnancy had a Bhcg greater than 3,000 mIU/mL only 35% of the time.
Bottom Line: If you have a symptomatic patient with an empty uterus and a bhcg above the discriminatory zone, they have a higher risk for ectopic pregnancy. However, if your patient is symptomatic, they should still have further evaluation for ectopic pregnancy even if they have a bhcg lower than the discriminatory zone.
Wang R, Reynolds TA, West HH, Ravikumar D, Martinez C, McAlpine I, Jacoby VL, Stein JC. Use of a β-hCG discriminatory zone with bedside pelvic ultrasonography. Ann Emerg Med. 2011 Jul;58(1):12-20. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2010.12.023. Epub 2011 Feb 18. PMID: 21310509.