Category: Trauma
Keywords: Whole blood, trauma (PubMed Search)
Posted: 3/22/2025 by Robert Flint, MD
(Updated: 3/27/2025)
Click here to contact Robert Flint, MD
Achieving faster homeostasis in trauma patients leads to lower mortality, less coagulopathy, and lower total blood volume transfusion requirements. This study looked at time to achieving homeostasis as defined by transfusion requirements as well as laboratory measurements in critically ill trauma patients who either received whole blood or component therapy transfusion as part of their resuscitation. Those receiving whole blood achieved statistically significant faster homeostasis.
Chipman, Amanda M. MD; Luther, James F. MA; Guyette, Francis X. MD, MPH; Cotton, Bryan A. MD; Cannon, Jeremy W. MD; Schreiber, Martin A. MD; Moore, Ernest E. MD; Namias, Nicholas MD, MBA; Minei, Joseph P. MD; Yazer, Mark H. MD; Vincent, Laura MS, RN; Cotton, Abigail L. BS, MPH; Agarwal, Vikas MD; Brown, Joshua B. MD, MSc; Leeper, Christine M. MD; Neal, Matthew D. MD; Forsythe, Raquel M. MD; Wisniewski, Stephen R. PhD; Sperry, Jason L. MD, MPH; the SWAT Study Group. Early achievement of hemostasis defined by transfusion velocity: A possible mechanism for whole blood survival benefit. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 98(3):p 393-401, March 2025. | DOI: 10.1097/TA.0000000000004507