UMEM Educational Pearls

Title: Joint Fluid Analysis

Category: Orthopedics

Keywords: Arthrocentesis, Joint, Fluid, Septic (PubMed Search)

Posted: 7/6/2008 by Michael Bond, MD (Updated: 2/8/2025)
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD

Joint Fluid Analysis:

This is hte session in Baltimore for crab eating and beer drinking so we begin to see an increase in Gout pain.  For those that are presenting with their first episode and you are concerned that they might have a septic joint, I am including this pearl to help analysis the fluid you will obtain from arthrocentesis.


Synovial Fluid Interpretation
Diagnosis Appearance WBC PMNs Glucose % of
Blood Level
 Normal  Clear  <200  <25  95 - 100  None
Joint Disease
 Clear  <4000  <25  95 - 100  None
 Straw colored  <4000  <25  95 - 100  None
 Acute Gout  Turbid  2000 - 50,000  >75  80 - 100  Negative birefringence
 PseudoGout  Turbid 2000 - 50,000  >75  80 - 100  Positive birefringence  
 Septic Arthritis  Purulent / turbid  5000 - > 50,000  >75  < 50  None
 Turbid  2000 - 50,000  50-75  ~75  None

 To view a gout crystal click this link.

To view a pseudogout crystal. Click this link


  • A WBC Count >50,000 is septic arthritis until cultures are negative. 
  • Due to the wide range of WBC for septic arthritis have a high index of suspicion and do not discount the diagnosis because the WBC count is only 10,000.


Benjamin GC. Arthrocentesis. In: Roberts JR, Hedges JR, eds. Clinical procedures in emergency medicine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1998:919-932.