Category: Orthopedics
Keywords: Hip pain, snapping hip, tendon (PubMed Search)
Posted: 12/27/2020 by Brian Corwell, MD
(Updated: 3/13/2025)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD
Chief complaint: “My hip snaps when I exercise”
Both athletes and non-athletes may report a “snapping” sound with certain movements
This may affect up to 10% of the population
May be associated with activities than involve repetitive hip flexion
Symptoms may be due to an internal or an external cause
External causes are usually due to a tendon passing over a bony prominence
This can be felt as either an audible sensation and/or even a palpable snap
This may or may not involve pain or discomfort
This is most commonly due to a benign cause
During movements in flexion, extension or combined with internal rotation the iliotibial band may move over the greater trochanter.
Alternatively, the hamstring tendon may pass over the ischial tuberosity
There are several other causes with similar mechanisms
Symptoms are usually minimal and not serious
This can be reproduced on bedside clinical exam
Ask the patient to identify the area of snapping with one finger which will help with anatomic localization
First line therapy is physical therapy which focuses on:
Improving muscle length if muscle is too tight OR
Improving neuromuscular activation if problem is due to excessive muscle activation