Category: Orthopedics
Keywords: Hip pain, athletes (PubMed Search)
Posted: 2/10/2018 by Brian Corwell, MD
(Updated: 12/26/2024)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD
Femoral neck stress fractures
Represents 5% of all stress fractures
Usually due to repetitive abductor muscle contraction
As with all stress fractures can occur in 2 types
1) Insufficiency type (normal physiologic stress on abnormal bone)
2) Fatigue type (abnormal/excessive physiologic stress on normal bone)
2 locations on interest:
1) Compression side (inferior femoral neck)
2) Tension side (superior femoral neck)
History: Insidious onset of groin or lateral hip pain associated with weight bearing
Exam: Antalgic gait, pain with hip log roll and with FABER (hip flexion, Abduction and external rotation test)
Compression side: reduced weight bearing and activity modification
Tension side: Non weight bearing (due to high risk of progression to displacement with limited weight bearing) AND surgical consultation for elective pinning to prevent displacement. If displaced, will require ORIF
Pevlis, hip and thigh injuries and conditions. Heidi Prather and Devyani Hunt. In Sports Medicine Study Guide and Review for Booards 2nd Edition. 2017