
This lecture is a part of "Weekly Conference" - Sep 22, 2021

Metabolic Resuscitation: A Critical Evaluation
Shock trauma Auditorium
“Challenges in Cardiac Arrest”
VIP Speaker
  • Michael Donnino, MD

    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Sep 22, 2021 - 10:40 am
45 minutes
1 hour
Lecture Schedule
Lecture Schedule for Weekly Conference - Sep 22, 2021 - 7:30 am
FHC 12:00 am - 12:00 am (None)
CPC - Richard Jean-Louis 7:30 am - 8:00 am (30 minutes)
CPC - Nikki Cali 8:00 am - 8:30 am (30 minutes)
CPC Nationals Rehearsal: Rachel Wiltjer 8:30 am - 8:45 am (15 minutes)
Transfusions- Are You Doing it Right? 9:00 am - 9:30 am (30 minutes)
POCUS for Cardiac Emergencies 9:40 am - 10:25 am (45 minutes)
Metabolic Resuscitation: A Critical Evaluation 10:40 am - 11:25 am (45 minutes)
Metabolic Resuscitation: A Critical Evaluation 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (1 hour)
Additional Info
Dr. Donnino is the Founder and Director of the Center for Resuscitation Science (CRS), Vice Chair of Resuscitation Science for the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Emergency Department, and Director of Faculty Research Development, and Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Donnino is author of over 240 manuscripts including many in high-impact journals such as the NEJM, JAMA, the British Medical Journal, and Circulation. He has been funded continuously over the past decade with support from the NIH, AHA, and other grants. His expertise spans the range of translational research with a particular expertise in clinical trials. On an international level, he served as Vice-Chair and member of the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Committee for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). In addition, he served as Vice Chair and member for the American Heart Association (AHA) cardiac arrest guideline writing group and was the senior author on the 2015 AHA ACLS guidelines. Dr. Donnino has a strong commitment to mentoring the full-range of investigators from pre-medical students to junior faculty and is the recipient of the NIH Mentoring Award (K24) as well as the Director of Faculty Research Development.
1. To examine challenging cases in cardiac Arrest Management 2. To explore optimal airway management strategies during cardiac arrest 3. To evaluate current therapies for cardiac arrest
Michael Donnino pic.jpg
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