Category: Misc
Keywords: Temporal Arteritis (PubMed Search)
Posted: 1/30/2010 by Michael Bond, MD
(Updated: 2/5/2025)
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD
Temporal Arteritis (TA) is commonly associated with the sudden onset of a unilateral headache centered around the temporal region. The most devastating consequence of TA is blindness though this is only reported in up to 50% of cases though can be bilateral in up to 33% of patients.
According to the American College of Rheumatology criteria for classification of temporal arteritis this diagnosis can be made in the ED without a biopsy. You just need at least 3 of the following 5 items to be present (sensitivity 93.5%, specificity 91.2%) to make the diagnosis :
Hunder GG, Bloch DA, Michel BA, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of giant cell arteritis. Arthritis Rheum. Aug 1990;33(8):1122-8