UMEM Educational Pearls

Title: Erythema Infectiosum

Category: Pediatrics

Keywords: Erythema Infectiosum,parvovirus B-19 (PubMed Search)

Posted: 10/24/2008 by Don Van Wie, DO (Updated: 3/14/2025)
Click here to contact Don Van Wie, DO

With the cooler weather on us all our favorite viral infections will start to appear.  Included in this is the "slapped - cheek disease" Erythema infectiosum. 

Erythema Infectiosum

  • An acute viral illness caused by parvovirus B-19
  • Usually is seen in the winter and spring months
  • Presents with mild fever, itching, headache, and arthralgias
  • Usually have an erythematous, erysipeloid rash on the cheeks (slapped look) and a reticular rash (lace-like) on the arms
  • No test are needed
  • Management is supportive
  • Children with chronic hemolytic anemias can develop an aplastic crisis from this infection