UMEM Educational Pearls

Title: Sever's Disease

Category: Pediatrics

Keywords: Sever's Disease (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/1/2008 by Don Van Wie, DO (Updated: 3/14/2025)
Click here to contact Don Van Wie, DO

Sever's Disease

  • Sever's disease is a painful inflammation of the calcaneal apophysis made worse with activity.
  • It is thought to be caused by repetitive trauma to the weaker structure of the apophysis, induced by the pull of the Achilles tendon on its insertion.
  • It occurs most frequently in active 10- to 12-year-old boys.
  • The pain can limit performance and participation, and if left untreated, the pain can significantly limit even simple activities of daily life.
  • Xrays are useful in ruling out other causes of heel pain like fracture or rare tumor but are not diagnostic or prognostic. 
  • Treatment consist of rest, nsaids, wearing a half-inch inner-shoe heel lift (at all times during ambulation), a monitored stretching program, and presport and postsport icing. (rarely casting)
  • Sever disease is a self-limited condition and will resolve after the growth plate fuses.
