UMEM Educational Pearls

Previous studies have shown that an on scene time of 10-35 minutes was associated with improved survival in pediatric out of hospital cardiac arrests compared to an on scene time of > 35 minutes.  There was no significant difference in overall survival between < 10 minutes and 10-35 minutes of on scene time.

This study involved a total of 2854 pediatric cardiac arrests in the US and Canada.  The patients who had a cardiac arrest during transport were compared to patients who received on scene CPR by equal minutes.

Among patients < 1 year, intra-arrest transport was associated with lower survival to hospital discharge compared to those that were resuscitated on scene.  There was no association for patients > 1 year.

Bottom line: This study supports resuscitating in place for pediatric cardiac arrests, especially in patients < 1year.


Okubo M, Komukai S, Izawa J, et al. Survival After Intra-Arrest Transport vs On-Scene Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Children. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(5):e2411641. Published 2024 May 1. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.11641