Category: Administration
Keywords: restraint use (PubMed Search)
Posted: 1/21/2024 by Kevin Semelrath, MD
(Updated: 3/14/2025)
Click here to contact Kevin Semelrath, MD
This study was a retrospective review of restraint use at a level 1 trauma center in the Midwest.
It found the following were factors in a patient encounter associated with an increased risk of restraint usage:
This study found a decreased OR of restraint use with Black or Hispanic race, which was in contrast to other studies
This was a single center, retrospective study, so it was already limited in what it could tell us. In addition, they didn't see the reason for the restraints being ordered in the first place. Nonetheless, it does show that people in certain marginalized groups have a higher likelihood of ending up in restraints. Please think twice when ordering restraints in the ED, especially for behavioral reasons
Published:September 19, 2023DOI: