UMEM Educational Pearls

  • Statin therapy significantly reduces the risk for thrombotic events
  • A recent study sought to determine the impact of short-term intensive statin therapy on intracoronary plaque lipid content
  • 87 patients with multivessel CAD undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and at least 1 other severely obstructive were randomized to intensive (rosuvastatin
    40 mg daily) or standard-of-care lipid-lowering therapy
  • Upon follow-up, median reduction (95% confidence interval) was significantly greater in the intensive versus standard group ( p=0.01)
  • Short-term intensive statin therapy in small trials reduces lipid content in obstructive lesions and further large studies with longer follow-up are warranted



Kini A, Baber U, et al. Changes in Plaque Lipid Content After Short-Term Intensive Versus Standard Statin Therapy. JACC. Vol. 62, No. 1, 2013