UMEM Educational Pearls

Title: Avian Influenza H7N9

Category: Infectious Disease

Posted: 4/12/2013 by Andrea Tenner, MD (Updated: 2/14/2025)
Click here to contact Andrea Tenner, MD

General Information:

-As of April 5th, 14 confirmed cases of a new influenza A virus (H7N9) have occurred in China.  Six of those have died. 

-Presumed transmission via infected poultry in bird markets, and thus far no person-to-person transmission has occurred.

-Likely susceptible to oseltamavir or inhaled zanamivir


Area of the world affected:


Relevance to the US physician:

- Suspect in patients with a respiratory illness and appropriate travel history.

- Refer to CDC within 24 hours if test positive for flu A but cannot be subtyped

- If H7N9 is suspected, patients should be under droplet and airborne precautions


Bottom Line:

No human-to-human transmission from H7N9 thus far, but the possibility exists.  Any unsubtypeable influenza A patient should be placed on droplet and airborne precautions and oseltamavir or zanamivir started immediately.


University of Maryland Section of Global Emergency Health
Author: Andi Tenner, MD, MPH

