UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Toxicology

Title: Fospropofol - A Water Soluble Propofol

Keywords: propofol, procedural sedation, fospropofol (PubMed Search)

Posted: 8/18/2011 by Fermin Barrueto
Click here to contact Fermin Barrueto

If you think the controversy was just heating up for propofol use in the Emergency Department, just wait until the new agent begins arriving to an ED near you - fospropofol. A new water soluble version of propofol, this agent will remove the problems of pain at the injection site, an easier/wider therapeutic window for sedation and allowing of long-term sedation without the heavy lipid load.

Currently, there is limited FDA approval in the US for monitored anesthesia care. I am waiting for the first paper showing its use in the ED for procedural sedation. Safety data is still growing.


     Mini-pearl: Patients allergic to soybean should either avoid propofol or undergo skin testing since the emulsion is made of soybean oil and egg lecithin. There have been reported cases of anaphylaxis after administration of propofol in patients with food allergies, peanut and birch.



Fospropofol: a new sedative-hypnotic agent for monitored anesthesia care.

Moore GD, Walker AM, MacLaren R.

Ann Pharmacother. 2009 Nov;43(11):1802-8. Epub 2009 Oct 13. Review.



Possible anaphylaxis after propofol in a child with food allergy.

Hofer KN, McCarthy MW, Buck ML, Hendrick AE.

Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Mar;37(3):398-401.