Category: Critical Care
Keywords: ATS, non invasive ventilation, aspirin, nighttime extubation, dialysis (PubMed Search)
Posted: 5/24/2016 by Feras Khan, MD
(Updated: 2/5/2025)
Click here to contact Feras Khan, MD
American Thoracic Society (ATS) Conference Highlights
The ATS conference was last week in San Francisco and a few cool articles were presented. They are briefly summarized below:
1. Using a helmet vs face mask for ARDS: Non-invasive ventilation is not ideal for ARDS for a variety of reasons. At the same time, endotracheal intubation and ventilation carries some risks as well. Could a new design of a "helmet" device make a difference? This one center study from the Univ of Chicago suggests that it would: decreased rate of intubation, increase in ventilator free days, and decrease in 90 day mortality.
2. Can aspirin prevent the development of ARDS in at risk patients in the emergency department? Unfortunately, it does not appear to help.
3. Should you start renal-replacement therapy (HD, CRRT etc) in critically ill patients with AKI sooner or later? Seems to have no difference and may actually lead to patients not needing any dialysis. Really a great read if you have time.
4. Should I extubate at night? Lastly, probably don’t extubate at night if you can avoid it. Or just be cautious.